I've been doing a lot of these lately.
Go figure.
Care to share with us who the lucky hook is that collected five of your semen samples in one week? Originally Posted by lickidyclitIt was covered-everything so she didn't collect any semen samples. In her case, it was the way she smells. A pheromonal KEEPER for me. I want to see her again soon, but I've been too busy repeating with the other girls I like. It's a cycle of guilt and pleasure, bro.
Sometimes it burns brighter. Depends entirely on the dynamic. I have a guy in Syracuse I've seen every month for over 1.5 year and randomly like 3 months ago the passion was kicked up 1000% and we are all of the sudden tearing each other apart the moment he's in the door like savages. Sometimes it surprises you, how a dynamic changes over time. Originally Posted by bustybabygirlOmg that's my fav. Hot! I get more like that over time because I get super comfy and know all of someone's buttons and triggers then.