Widows & Widowers

SweetestOne's Avatar
Hi guys. I thought it may be good to start a thread for those of us who are widows or widowers. Perhaps this could be an outlet for us to share our stories, support each other and offer advice. We dont have to be too personal but i felt like there may be more of you out there just like me. I am a young widow twice by age 35. Yes twice. Im amazed i still have my sanity. Anyway, im hoping to hear from others who have also lost their spouse.
Cravinhead69's Avatar
I'm not a widower, but I do want to offer my condolences to you on losing 2 mates by the age of 35. WOW. that is a heavy burden I would think.
I am sorry to hear this and hopefully others will share.
Like I said, I've never lost a spouse, so I can't offer any advice, but I can listen and give support that way. If you need someone to talk to, I'm here for you.
I haven't lost a spouse, divorced a couple but never lost one to death. I would not be surprised to see others speak out and add more value to this thread I can. Tough subject but a very real one.
Sweetest, I can't imagine how difficult that has been for you to endure that not once but twice.

But guys, let this be a reminder that our eccie ladies are real people with real lives and deserve to be treated with the utmost kindness and respect.
I've never lost someone so close to me and I can't imagine what it is to live with that. Great things can come from human suffering, though.
SweetestOne's Avatar
Thank you guys for your kind words. When people say you "i cant imagine what it would be like" its true that your mind has no concept of the type of pain ans suffering you will experience until it happens. And when it does happen its something you can't compare to any other feeling. I wont sugar coat it, because it will take your mind loosing two husbands...both sudden, tragic deaths. Im not interestes in looking for anyone else to share my life with right now. Its been 2 years since my last husband died and its not any easier. I fake it and thats the only way i get through it.
Cassie107's Avatar
Omg sweetestone very few gentlemen here know my full story. But we have a lot in common. This January will be two years since a car accident killed my husband and my son. It left me in a hospital for months and had to learn to walk again. I completely understand both the faking it so people don't see how hard it is. I completely agree I'm not ready to have anyone in my life either. I love this hobby for that reason. It gives me that human contact that I crave and need. I also take great joy in the fact that I can give a gentleman what he may be missing. We of all people know that life is too precious and short to not try and help someone be a little happier. If you ever want to talk sometime you can contact me anytime.
Very sad that both of you have lost husbands so early in life but especially a child. I dont have children but if I did the thought of losing one would be crippling. I have very good friend that lost his oldest son to addiction some years back and I honestly didnt think he would make it through it. It was very painful and he is still affected by it almost ten years later. I wish you both the best
My CONDOLENCES to you Cassie. No words can describe how sorry I am for your loss. My daughter just started driving and it's driving ME absolutely insane. I just can't get losing her out of my head.
Sweet and Cassie, so sorry to read of those situations that have impacted you both. I hope you both find some semblance of support through this lifestyle. Best to you both.
Widower, lost my true love years ago. It has not gotten easier for me because I still love her and miss her. Married happily for over two decades. I talk to her through prayer and at times I am okay with dying just for the chance to reunite. I miss her. I feel as if I will never love another woman. She died of cancer, knew it was coming, do not know if that made it easier or not for me.

Condolences and my understanding and compassion reach out to you. I still look at her pictures daily.
SweetestOne's Avatar
Sweetest and Cassie, wow. I am sorry. I can imagine how the impact feels
Cassie if you told me that about you I’ve forgotten. Sweetest we shared that when we met. My heart goes out to both of you. Big hugs
Cassie107's Avatar
Thank you everyone for your understanding. Holiday times can be hard on the heart for many of us because the losses we have endured. It's not just past memories that makes it difficult but memories that never get to be made because of it. We all need to live life to the fullest not just for ourselves but for the loved ones lost. I myself am going to try my best to make myself and others smile. Making memories with and for someone no matter how big or small.