Republican Leadership

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Ok, it's a contradiction in terms. If the Republicans could find one grown up to head the ticket, they might have a chance. As if it makes any difference at this point.

Oh, well, at they're fun to watch.

Ok, it's a contradiction in terms. If the Republicans could find one grown up to head the ticket, they might have a chance. As if it makes any difference at this point.

Oh, well, at they're fun to watch.

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You are so right. The right candidate for the GOP could become the next POTUS without breaking much of a sweat. BHO is very beatable, but I don't see the candidate running yet that take it to him.

Just hope that the right candidate emerges. I don't know how much of this country will be left with another 5 years of Barry.
Even if you found one they could not get the nomination and survive the gauntlet of nut bagz on the right fringe. Geez did you see Newt praying in the San Antonio church? OMG what you have to do to get nominated to then tack hard left to the middle and hope they forget what you said. ya see obama going to church? he wont even step back in the rev. wrights.

I'm sure POTUS goes to some type of service, its just not always in the public eye. I'm guessing here.

If he was to go to a regular church for service, just think of the prep time SS would have to put in and all the other extras that comes with guarding the POTUS when he's out in public. I'm sure overtime is added in there too.

My question is......why does it always have to come down to religion?
it you know how many presidents have attended church on a regular basis. nice try with the ss comment.

I'm sure POTUS goes to some type of service, its just not always in the public eye. I'm guessing here.

If he was to go to a regular church for service, just think of the prep time SS would have to put in and all the other extras that comes with guarding the POTUS when he's out in public. I'm sure overtime is added in there too.

My question is......why does it always have to come down to religion? Originally Posted by MsElena
Everytime the President leaves the White House, its is a press event. If he was going to church regularly....which he doesn't.....the press would cover it.
Everytime the President leaves the White House, its is a press event. If he was going to church regularly....which he doesn't.....the press would cover it. Originally Posted by ironhorseman2010
President Obama is skipping church this morning to head to out to the golf course, playing with two of his usual mates – White House staffers Ben Finkenbinder and Marvin Nicholson – as well as guest player Ron Kirk, the U.S. Trade Negotiator.
Okay, I shouldn’t say the president is skipping church. It’s not fair. Because actually, the president never goes to church, so he can’t exactly be said to be skipping it.
It wasn't a nice try with my comment about secret service. Its true, SS has to prep for his visits and that's not an easy task.

When I said that he might attend some type of service, just not in the public eye.....that's to mean that maybe something is held at the white house?

OK, so if religion doesn't matter.....why does it matter if he goes to church or not? Just because he's POTUS doesn't mean he has to go to church.

I think religion plays too much of a part in the decision making of who is the best candidate for POTUS.

So......if you're going to slam one POTUS because he doesn't attend church on a regular basis, then you should slam others who have done the same thing...namely Reagan who did NOT attend church at all during his stint as POTUS.

"I don't see how we can have a separation of church and state in this government if you have to pass a religious test to get in this government. And I want to warn everyone in the press and all the voters out there if you demand expressions of religious faith from politicians, you are just begging to be lied to. They won't all lie to you but a lot of them will. And it will be the easiest lie they ever had to tell to get your votes. So, every day until the end of this campaign, I'll answer any question anyone has on government, But if you have a question on religion, please go to church. "

-Alan Alda playing California Republican Senator Arnold Vinick on The West Wing
The secret service would spend just as much time arranging for his church service visits as they do for his NUMEROUS golf outings....

Past presidents, both Republican and Democrat, both pre-9/11 and post-9/11, have made faithful effort (no pun intended) to attend church services.

Reagan may not have been the most frequent of church-goers, but he didn't slam those that did either (clinging to their guns and religion).

Mr Obama and his family are in it for the perks... this country needs a leader. The Dems are now too afraid to admit it, as well.
Mr Obama and his family are in it for the perks... this country needs a leader. The Dems are now too afraid to admit it, as well. Originally Posted by Wizard of Ahhhhs
Wizard, my tendency is to be a conservative, so it pains me to say that even if Obama is in it for the perks, he is an amateur at putting his hands in our pockets and taking out wads of cash compared to the way Bush, Cheney, and friends cashed in at the expense of the middle and working class. However, I will definately agree this country needs a leader, no matter which party they are affiliated with.
Longermonger's Avatar
Wow, you wingnuts must be really butthurt that Navy SEALs didn't get blown up by a booby trap or rocket launchers hitting their helicopters. Obama didn't risk his own life, but he did risk the lives of others and his presidency. That's a tough thing to do and takes leadership ability. Don't you agree? A lot of you DID agree a few weeks ago. But I guess you FORGOT already.

Look at it this was: Guys like Trump, Huckabee, etc thought they had a shot and were testing the waters until Bin Laden was killed. NOW they are too scared to run against him. Yet they continue to yip like small dogs.
Wow, you wingnuts must be really butthurt that Navy SEALs didn't get blown up by a booby trap or rocket launchers hitting their helicopters... Originally Posted by Longermonger
Longer... we can have engaging discussions (and disagreements) about politics and policy, and you can call me a "wingnut" if that makes you feel better.

But HOW DARE YOU say some outrageous statement about how I might wish ill-will against our nation's military just to spite the CiC!

As the father of an active-duty Navy pilot, I would respectfully ask for a public apology to such an irresponsible statement as the one you made above.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
President Reagan attended church as President up until he was shot. After that, he said that if his presence were going to cause innocent people to be in danger, he wouldn't go to church. On his way back to California he was asked what he was going to like most about retirement, and he said, "Being able to go to church."

That being said, I'm not going to judge any President on whether he (or she) goes to church or not. Or where he or she goes, if they do. So Romney's a Mormon. Big deal. The main problem there is functioning as President without the benefit of coffee.

I started this thread with a view toward finding out if the Republicans have a chance, or if they will blow it, as usual. Or if it even matters. It doesn't appear to me that anyone is taking the 2012 election seriously. So I may be right when I say who we vote for doesn't matter, and the outcome is already decided.
Wow, you wingnuts must be really butthurt that Navy SEALs didn't get blown up by a booby trap or rocket launchers hitting their helicopters. Obama didn't risk his own life, but he did risk the lives of others and his presidency. That's a tough thing to do and takes leadership ability. Don't you agree? A lot of you DID agree a few weeks ago. But I guess you FORGOT already.

Look at it this was: Guys like Trump, Huckabee, etc thought they had a shot and were testing the waters until Bin Laden was killed. NOW they are too scared to run against him. Yet they continue to yip like small dogs. Originally Posted by Longermonger
So Obama finally got something right. It only took 2.5 years to do it. I gave him his props and then some. That doesn't mean I plan to vote for him. His economic policies still blow chunks, and he still has no intention whatsoever of making any meaningful cuts in spending.

I forget, he got a few other things right - he didn't close GITMO, and he didn't bring the troops home from Afghanistan. Two decisions that directly contributed to killing bin Laden. They also happen to be two issues that liberals have conveniently forgotten they were ready to string Obama up for until we killed bin Laden. Oops.