Who Will Save Us Now?!

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
The Donald is not running! Whatever shall we do? I think someone on this board said he wouldn't run, and that it was just a publicity stunt.


I would have said that!

The pundits are saying that it was YOUR fault!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
If it's my fault that Trump isn't running, somebody at least ought to buy me a steak and a beer.
I might go a flank steak and a Schlitz.
john_galt's Avatar
Who were the frontrunners in 2007 in May for the democrats/GOP? Hillary Clinton/Rudolph Guilani.
Who were the frontrunners in 1999 in May for the democrats/GOP? Al Gore/John McCain.
Who were the frontrunners in 1992 in May for the democrats/GOP? Paul Tsongas/George H.W. Bush.
Why do some people on this site produce so much sound and fury for so little effect? None of the people who were the front runners at this time in the election process...won. I also find it a little near sighted to BELIEVE that Trump, Gringrich, Romney, Huckabee, Caine, or even Palin represent the conservative wing of the republican party which is where the power resides at the movement. The power to get out volunteers, the power to get out raise money, the power to inspire, and the power to craft an effective message. Long way of saying that no one as of yet represents the conservative movement yet. A long ways to go until November of 2012.
The dems need to worry more about the Senate. A couple of losses (Kohl, McCaskill) and the GOP takes over and Obama gets nothing passed. A couple of more wins and the dems lose the power of the filibuster. Both are within reach as things stand.
Spending is going up, the deficit is setting new records, unemployment is expected to be at 8.2% next year at election time. I think the democrats need to start looking for a new candidate themselves.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You're on, Catnip!
COG I was expecting a higher price.

Just recently I had a very dirty Grey Goose on the rocks with stuffed blue cheese olives. A highly peppered filet and a side of lobster mac.

Had reflux for days after but at the time it was fun.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Hey, I like Schlitz, and if you put enough BBQ sauce on it, you can eat anything. Exceptions: Ice cream and chocolate cake.