
Well the last thread on pictures was hijacked so before this one is closed let me clear some smoke.
Pictures of the provider with my family and pictures of her and I should be kept private. Picture I took of her in public with no sexual content should be open to any one. Pictures I took of her while nude or in scimpy clothing should be my private photos. I did on this site give her permission to use photos taken in Bossier City but not the pictures that show me.
The original thread was to get an idea of my legal standing and I have no intention of posting them.She was pretending she was having a good time and I now know it was an act. I have no thoughts of being an asshole with the pictures but I can not speak to her intentions.
DallasRain's Avatar
well babe...I can't comment on that,but all i know is that you were a sweet guy to me!
Picture I took of her in public with no sexual content should be open to any one. . Originally Posted by tucson

This is why I don't let anyone take my picture.
Plain and simple, don't post them anywhere. Would you want someone posting your pictures anywhere they wanted?

You say you have no intention on posting them, but if you have to bring on the board to ask do have some intention on doing so.

Be a decent guy and just get rid of the pictures period.
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 05-17-2011, 07:21 AM
Hey all--
I know that I'm new to this board, however I want to say that I met with Tuscon today for a lovely extended afternoon visit, and while I know the part about the pictures came off kind of weird, when he explained it in person it made a lot more sense-- I don't think he had the wrong viewpoint, or an agenda, or like he was wondering about posting stuff-- His questions referred to (at least in his explanation) pictures of her with his family, or pictures of her that she used on her website or some such without talking to him. It's over and he's over it, but I think he was just asking in relation to that.

Now-- that being said, there's always "her truth," "his truth," and "the real truth," and I'm not getting in the middle of that because a) it's not my business, and b) Tuscon is done with it too as far as I can tell.

What I do want to say is, having met him, hung out with him and had fun, I will be giving him a very sound endorsement much like Dallas gave to me when I contacted her about Tuscon. I found him nothing but a kind, considerate, often funny, and very interesting gentlemen who was an excellent afternoon companion. Above all, he was incredibly appreciative of our time together, and it makes me happy to know that I made him very happy.
So, two thumbs up!