Mani and Pedi ?

I was just wondering how many of you sexy hobbiest actually like the french manicure and painted toenails look, do you guys like it ? do you even care ? The reason I ask is because I was told by someone that it dosnt freakin matter, its just a waste of you agree ? or does it add to the experience ? I myself think it just shows that a lady takes pride in herself if her nails are done, and she has gotten a pedi.. I would appreciate the feedback..
Allison, I'm a provider and I know your asking for the fellas opinion but I just can't help it I'm gunna chime in. I think manicured hands and feet show the woman puts just a tad pit more into her appearance. It also creates a polished look IMO. Plain, clean, short nails are fine, but having a mani/pedi looks a bit more refined.
Still Looking's Avatar
tyboy1's Avatar
The real question sweetie is how do you feel about it? If you like it then that's what matters. I personally think is shows a lady takes pride in the way she looks.
That being said I don't like a lot of makeup.
The real question sweetie is how do you feel about it? If you like it then that's what matters. I personally think is shows a lady takes pride in the way she looks.
That being said I don't like a lot of makeup. Originally Posted by tyboy1
I agree 100%
oilfieldscum's Avatar
If I am going shrimping she better have those toes done.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Twenty years ago, I thought that a French manicure was great. Now? No.

I get pedicures with my toes painted (mostly in the summer, not always) and my nails are manicured with no polish. A friend of mine put it this way ... if they're not doing it in New York, don't do it in Texas.

It's just a personal preference. And I use a special buffing system called P Shine on my nails. I discovered it at Neiman Marcus when I was in my 20's. It's hard to find now but it'll be the best $30 that you spend to make your nails look excellent.

I had spent a few years NOT doing pedis and manis and got back into it awhile back. Men notice even though I don't think that it made that much of a difference when I didn't do it but had short and neat nails.

Just a few early morning thoughts!

+1 Elisabeth

I do not think it make much a difference.

However the men do notice. They do look at feet and nails.

If you are rolling around and your feet is hard and you scratch him, not good.

If your nails are chipped, un-even and ragged, what does that say.

Im not into the pedi thing, the extra length add on toe-nail. However I do try to keep my feet pretty.
I was just wondering how many of you sexy hobbiest actually like the french manicure and painted toenails look, do you guys like it ? do you even care ? The reason I ask is because I was told by someone that it dosnt freakin matter, its just a waste of you agree ? or does it add to the experience ? I myself think it just shows that a lady takes pride in herself if her nails are done, and she has gotten a pedi.. I would appreciate the feedback.. Originally Posted by AllisonofHouston
Well I had the french artificial nails, and honestly had to have them removed, because in my regular job, it is hard to give the "housewives" a comfortable massage without scratching the skin. I need to have my nails very short to do my job without hurting someone one, especially if I am doing deep tissue work.

My feet I always keep pedicured, and keep the french manicure look on them.

I do it for myself however, not necessarily for the men in my life. I personally like to keep as nice a look as I can for my dates, because it makes me feel good. I know, sounds selfish.. but true! =)
BaldGuy82's Avatar
I love them done... Hell I get my finger nails and toes cleaned up. Makes me feel good! I tan to, but I ain't no metrosexual!
  • LynnT
  • 05-17-2011, 09:51 AM
I know some men notice, specially the ones that fancy feet. lol

I think the main thing is clean, neat(long or short) without chipped crappy polish, no roughness on hands or feet. And no gross nail biting..

I just love going to get them because it feels good, have someone else do it.. the polish also stays on way longer when they do it.
I've not worn polish on my fingers for years. However, I do wear them my fingernails manicured and where they reach just beyond my fingertips. They are ultra strong so even clear polish is too much to bother with.

My toes are a different matter. I love getting a good pedicure. Just now my toes are Frenched, but they could just as easily be red or pink. Soft, pretty feet are a must!
surcher's Avatar
I'm sure there's quite a few men out there who love to see those well manicured, polished nails when that hand is wrapped around their hard shaft as the lady strokes it before and during a good hj and bbbj!

Bottom line though, does it make you feel sexier? If the answer is "yes" then go for it!
Meoauniaea's Avatar
I appreciate feet and prefer solid colors. Non-paint is fine too as long as the feet are well maintained. Cracked soles, chipped nails, chipped polish or dry feet are a turn-off.

If I am curious on how a celeb's feet look, I go here:

Christina Applegate tends to wear a blue toenail polish that fits her perfectly.
Wow !! thanks for the feedback, I like to keep mine french manicured and my toes red..sometimes I will get some crazy color like blue or black..and tyboy as for the makeup thing, I dont wear alot becuse it can and will rub off..thanks alot everyone !!