Travel Ban Goes Through!

pussycat's Avatar
She Supreme Court has finally tossed aside the meddling of lower Courts in Liberal Circuits and has said the Travel Ban can go into effect immediately. All those bleeding hearts and sob sisters who were claiming that the Federal Courts were demonstrating the illegality of Trump's initiative have once again been heaped into the pile of FAKE NEWS. All the Court decisions blocking Trump's Ban were selectively chosen to be in the most far out and wacky crypto-communist Circuits and their decisions did NOT reflect the opinion of most of the Federal Bench! Hurry for the Supreme Court in over turning the insane findings of the socialist Judges in places like San Francisco and Hawaii.

The President has the authority to ban categories of people from dangerous countries with dangerous people who hate our way of life and want to come here and practice random acts of carnage.

nuglet's Avatar
Damn, I was hoping just one, the right one, would get through, and have a date with #45!!!!
She Supreme Court has finally tossed aside the meddling of lower Courts in Liberal Circuits and has said the Travel Ban can go into effect immediately. All those bleeding hearts and sob sisters who were claiming that the Federal Courts were demonstrating the illegality of Trump's initiative have once again been heaped into the pile of FAKE NEWS. All the Court decisions blocking Trump's Ban were selectively chosen to be in the most far out and wacky crypto-communist Circuits and their decisions did NOT reflect the opinion of most of the Federal Bench! Hurry for the Supreme Court in over turning the insane findings of the socialist Judges in places like San Francisco and Hawaii.

The President has the authority to ban categories of people from dangerous countries with dangerous people who hate our way of life and want to come here and practice random acts of carnage.

Originally Posted by pussycat

Bahahahaha those liberal lower courts were overruled by a conservative SCOTUS and you want to call something FAKE NEWS? Boy you conservatives are so stupid. Y'all love claiming that what y'all believe is what the majority believes. What most on the bench believe. What real Americans believe. You guys tend to forget that more people voted for the other person and Trump's approval rating is in the 30's. Majority of American isn't with y'all. Deal with it.

Go ahead, cheer for the verdict (y'all haven't gotten much done anyway) but don't pretend that it was any different than what you are complaining that liberal lower courts did. It was just that the SCOTUS was the highest court.
Scotus upheld the potus constitutional power. The lower liberal courts were doing all they could do inhibit it because you nutbags are like a bunch of rabid zombies that have sacrificed evidence and well reasoned arguments for feelings and emotions.
Bahahahaha those liberal lower courts were overruled by a conservative SCOTUS and you want to call something FAKE NEWS? Boy you conservatives are so stupid. Y'all love claiming that what y'all believe is what the majority believes. What most on the bench believe. What real Americans believe. You guys tend to forget that more people voted for the other person and Trump's approval rating is in the 30's. Majority of American isn't with y'all. Deal with it.

Go ahead, cheer for the verdict (y'all haven't gotten much done anyway) but don't pretend that it was any different than what you are complaining that liberal lower courts did. It was just that the SCOTUS was the highest court. Originally Posted by Austin Dude
It was a 7-2 decision, so I wouldn’t call that just a “conservative” SCOTUS ruling. Try again.
Doesn't matter, the important thing is that it passed .....9th Circuit Court of Appeals gets bitch slapped again ..... maybe SOMEDAY you will learn to apply their rulings as they apply to Constitutional Law (and yes, for all you dimwits who don't understand, the Constitution does give Trump the power to do exactly what he tried to do) and not have your rulings overturned by the Supreme Court .....
Ha, that's a good one.

This never gets old lol: Originally Posted by Coolbeans10
It was a 7-2 decision, so I wouldn’t call that just a “conservative” SCOTUS ruling. Try again. Originally Posted by Jwhit82

Dude, it's still a conservative SCOTUS. They have a majority of the seats. It's just like it's a Republican Congress, yet you will see Demcrats support Republican ideas when they aren't fucking stupid. Doesn't change what the majority is.

As for this decision, there wasn't an opinion presented with it so I will wager that both Kagan and Breyer don't agree with Trump's ban but didn't think the case was argued well enough. The case will be appealed to the SCOTUS again with better evidence and they will be no votes.

Point still being, it was a conservative court making the decision. Which bitchcat hated when it was liberal courts doing the same "partisan" decisions.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar

The President has the authority to ban categories of people from dangerous countries with dangerous people who hate our way of life and want to come here and practice random acts of carnage.
Originally Posted by pussycat
And exactly how many terrorist acts have been committed in this country by people emigrating from those countries n the travel ban? Zero. The people coming into this country are doing so because they want the freedoms that our country gives to all. They most definitely do not "hate" this country.

I have no problem with a travel ban as long as it is for a given amount of time and not permanent. There should be goals set as to why the travel ban is in effect and what is to be accomplished while the travel ban is in effect.
pussycat's Avatar
Personally I don't like the travel ban, but any President clearly has the authority to do it and the lower Courts who interfered did so for political reasons and that was outrageous. The ban also includes Venezuela of all things, and that could interfere with the pipeline of hot girls escaping conditions there for our welcoming hobbing communities

I don't like the Embassy move to Jerusalem either, but like the travel ban it was a pledge made during the campaign and Trump will keep all his pledges to his base, and here's why. Trump still has about 40 percent of voters out there who are so loyal to him that nothing the Dems or media has done has chipped away at them. The "collusion" charges didn't stick, claims of mental impairment won't either. As it looks now Trump will win again in 2020 if he decides to run. The Dems are in total disarray, and they have no one, and I mean no one, who can run in 2020. Gone is my party (I am a Harris Co. Democrat) which once fielded arrays of good men like Bob Kerry, Gary Hart, Dick Gephart, George Mitchell, Bill Hobby, Robert Byrd, Pat Moynahan, Barbara Jordan (she was also a good man) Walter Mondale, Hubert (pleased as punch) Humphrey, and reaching back to giants like Mike Mansfield and Adlai Stevenson, not to mention John Kennedy RIP. Who do we Dems have today??? Elizabeth Warren? She's a fucking joke. She lied about being native American so she could get into Harvard. She's an angry, shrill screaming bitch like her buddy Hilary. Is that it?? We have nobody. We have no one. What the fuck happened?

I will never be a Republican for the same reasons that Trump and his buddy Steve Bannon (wasn't he "the Hulk?") hate the Republicans. The Republicans are still the party of the country club set, they want to drive down wages and hollow out the middle class and increase poverty with their open borders, free trade, offshore tax havens, and then slash all welfare payments and increase tuition and school loan interest rates! They want to ban abortion, give the police the power to kill any unarmed citizen on site for no reason at all. The Republicans are the party of Satan! The party of the attack on Panama, the invasion of Grenada, the failed Iraq war which brought ISIS into existence and cost us three trillion dollars down the toilet. Trump hates Republicans more than he hates Democrats. Steve Bannon is the sole voice of reason, and although he's not in the White House anymore he controls Trump's base more than ever.
Loxly's Avatar
  • Loxly
  • 12-10-2017, 10:11 PM
SCOTUS is the place where feelings and speculation are set aside to let the rule of law prevail. Congress creates the law, SCOTUS validates its constitutionality and the President is (supposed) to enforce it.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
SCOTUS is the place where feelings and speculation are set aside to let the rule of law prevail. Congress creates the law, SCOTUS validates its constitutionality and the President is (supposed) to enforce it. Originally Posted by Loxly
Well said, but we all know that the 9 members of SCOTUS have leanings either left or right and they interpret the law based on those feelings. Everyone has an opinion as to the constitutionality of a law but it is only the opinion of our court system that really matters. All courts are empowered to validate the constitutionality of laws yet how many times are lower court rulings overturned by higher courts?
gfejunkie's Avatar
Plenty. Especially when they come from the 9th circuit. The most overturned in the country.