LaVar Ball Pulls Son out of UCLA

Read this. See if you notice something missing in the conversation.

Hint. What do people go to clooege for.

Not once in this whole conversation has anyone mentioned the word education.

LaVar also has pulled his 16 year old son out of school so he can "home school" him in preparation for a career in the NBA.

If the term "student athlete" was a joke, the Ball Familly have made it into a travesty
bambino's Avatar
He needs to got to shoplifting school. It’s obvious he could use more lessons there.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
i want to know why no one ever mention's LaVar's fourth son .. LemonJello

Read this. See if you notice something missing in the conversation.

Hint. What do people go to clooege for.

Not once in this whole conversation has anyone mentioned the word education.

LaVar also has pulled his 16 year old son out of school so he can "home school" him in preparation for a career in the NBA.

If the term "student athlete" was a joke, the Ball Familly have made it into a travesty Originally Posted by Jackie S
Lets hope the NBA writes Levar and tells him "DON'T BOTHER!!!"

Read this. See if you notice something missing in the conversation.

Hint. What do people go to clooege for.

Not once in this whole conversation has anyone mentioned the word education.

LaVar also has pulled his 16 year old son out of school so he can "home school" him in preparation for a career in the NBA.

If the term "student athlete" was a joke, the Ball Familly have made it into a travesty Originally Posted by Jackie S
Yah. It's not like that " education " they receive should include lessons in behavior in polite society, especially if they are entitled, Dindu Nuffin " athletes.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Lets hope the NBA writes Levar and tells him "DON'T BOTHER!!!" Originally Posted by garhkal
For a change, you miss the point, Jerkall.

NBA is a business. Free enterprise. Capitalism.

You know, all those things that God wrote in the c.onstitution before handing it down to the founding framers.

This is just another fluffy controversy sparked by Twitler’s immature behavior and played forward by fargin’ iceholes like yourself.

You think the NBA would pass on a decent prospect because of the sunglasses incident? Or because his dad got into a childish Twitter war with a fucking idiot who tweets from the shitter? (Shitler?)

You just want to punish someone...

You think Ball went to UCLA to study biology?

Nope, he went to college, like most kids, to find a path to a professional career. In his case it was an opportunity to play pro basketball.

Why did YOU go to “clooge?”
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Yah. It's not like that " education " they receive should include lessons in behavior in polite society, especially if they are entitled, Dindu Nuffin " athletes. Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Yeah, where did you get your lessons, Gey Rey? A glory hole? Picking dingleberries? Sucking dicks? Stalking guys at the H-E-B?

Always good for a chuckle, dildo.
LexusLover's Avatar
Did AssUp's Daddy withdraw him from UCLA?

Oh, wait! That requires a designated "Father"!

His Mom is probably still trying to get over that slip up!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Did AssUp's Daddy withdraw him from UCLA?

Oh, wait! That requires a designated "Father"!

His Mom is probably still trying to get over that slip up! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Figures. Typical LLiarMan deflection.

Can't argue with the truth, can you, Sharky?

You spout bullshit and then when it's time to support it, you go right to the personal attack.

Just making sure we all understand why you were unanimously named DOTY!
Yah. It's not like that " education " they receive should include lessons in behavior in polite society, especially if they are entitled, Dindu Nuffin " athletes. Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
IMO that qualifies most HS up through college athletes..
The difference in the student athlete going to college to gain an education in preparation for the NBA and a student going to college to gain an education to be a engineer is the student athlete gets his for free.
Yeah, where did you get your lessons, Gey Rey? A glory hole? Picking dingleberries? Sucking dicks? Stalking guys at the H-E-B?

Always good for a chuckle, dildo. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
No assup , I DIDN'T get them from those same locations, AS YOU OBVIOUSLY DID and are so proud of, doing those same acts that YOU fudge packers SOOOOO enjoy ! Keep up that great DOTY campaign - drive for five !!! Mebbe the rest of the reach around crew will do some "driving " on that flaccid SPINCHTER of YOURS ! Tighten it up a bit for YOU before the holidays.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Those aren't sunglasses...them's my nostrils
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar

Read this. See if you notice something missing in the conversation.

Hint. What do people go to clooege for.

Not once in this whole conversation has anyone mentioned the word education.

LaVar also has pulled his 16 year old son out of school so he can "home school" him in preparation for a career in the NBA.

If the term "student athlete" was a joke, the Ball Familly have made it into a travesty Originally Posted by Jackie S
The majority of student-athletes realize that they are students first and athletes second. Most college sports do not have professional sports to move into. College basketball is an anomoly in college sports. A football player must wait 3 years after leaving HS before turning pro. Basketball requires only 1 year after HS before the player can turn pro, so this year players like Mo Bomba, Marvin Bagley, Michael Porter and several other college Freshmen must go through the charade of attending college for one year.

So to answer your question "What do people go to college for?" -- SOME HS basketball players go to college because they can't go directly to the NBA even though they have the ability to do so.
goodolboy's Avatar
LaVar Ball said his son's suspension was unfair because he was not charged for stealing from the three stores that caught him on film. Most think President Trump had something to do with his release, and lack of charges, although LaVar does not seem to recognize that.

I get the feeling that a formal education for his son is not high on the priority list for LaVar.