Is Life Better Without Alcohol?

I think not.

I love drinking, eating, dancing - this, that and the other. Anything that feels good. Physical is divine as far as I'm concerned.

But I haven't been oblivious to various arguments that life is somehow better when one doesn't drink and one eats the purest of foods...

After quite a few weeks of pretty much not drinking - OK a wild night/day here and there, accompanied by a pure diet of, as a major staple, organic brown rice - I THINK NOT.

No, I discovered absolutely truly, life feels much better with the wee drop of alcohol delivered every day, as most Europeans prefer. And whatever one feels like to eat/devour.

I've always thought that if one follows one's natural appetites (if one can be so lucky) one can never err.

My feeling is that there are people on this board who can afford/choose to follow these purist diets (no alchohol, no meat, no caffeine... snore...).

Has anyone ever found these purist diets to be of use?

Amused to know... xxx

PS - It's not entirely out of place to for me to ask this question, particularly as that as Leah Ireland, I was much criticised at one point for having photos done with a glass of (superb) red wine in my hand for most of the photos... Wierd.
I sure wouldn't knock a woman having a glass of wine in a photo. Enjoying a glass of wine is part of who that person is.

I don't drink alcohol and haven't missed it what so ever. As far as being a purist, hardly. Coffee and red meat are very good things.
I sure wouldn't knock a woman having a glass of wine in a photo. Enjoying a glass of wine is part of who that person is.

I don't drink alcohol and haven't missed it what so ever. As far as being a purist, hardly. Coffee and red meat are very good things. Originally Posted by Ansley
Yes it's wierd, it took me a few weeks to REALLY miss alcohol, but the day I woke up without coffee in the fridge was really traumatic!!!

Never again... Sadly I'm very dependent on the Splenda also. That's the only thing I really like that I think Hey, maybe I shouldn't.. But I want to. And that's what counts.
Naomi4u's Avatar
I have a glass of wine maybe 5 times a year not even. Alcohol does absolutely nothing for me. One can have a great life without it .
motor's Avatar
  • motor
  • 05-17-2011, 04:00 PM
I think anything in moderation is fine. Anything that is taken to an excess would be....well excessive.
shorty's Avatar
Yes, Life can be grand without alcohol, Naomi!!
I think not.

I love drinking, eating, dancing - this, that and the other. Anything that feels good. Physical is divine as far as I'm concerned.

But I haven't been oblivious to various arguments that life is somehow better when one doesn't drink and one eats the purest of foods...

After quite a few weeks of pretty much not drinking - OK a wild night/day here and there, accompanied by a pure diet of, as a major staple, organic brown rice - I THINK NOT.

No, I discovered absolutely truly, life feels much better with the wee drop of alcohol delivered every day, as most Europeans prefer. And whatever one feels like to eat/devour.

I've always thought that if one follows one's natural appetites (if one can be so lucky) one can never err.

My feeling is that there are people on this board who can afford/choose to follow these purist diets (no alchohol, no meat, no caffeine... snore...).

Has anyone ever found these purist diets to be of use?

Amused to know... xxx

PS - It's not entirely out of place to for me to ask this question, particularly as that as Leah Ireland, I was much criticised at one point for having photos done with a glass of (superb) red wine in my hand for most of the photos... Wierd. Originally Posted by Leah Ireland
I think anything in moderation is fine. Anything that is taken to an excess would be....well excessive. Originally Posted by motorload
Sometimes, excess can be fun! =)

Yes I indulge, maybe lately a little too frequently with

Alcohol puts the weight on though, so I try not to indulge to often. However, lately I have had some pretty good expensive sipping tequila. A friend bought an expensive bottle the other day.. 100 plus dollars and we had a nice time. But jeebus, that stuff sneaks up on ya!

Sometimes, excess can be fun! =)

Yes I indulge, maybe lately a little too frequently with

Alcohol puts the weight on though, so I try not to indulge to often. However, lately I have had some pretty good expensive sipping tequila. A friend bought an expensive bottle the other day.. 100 plus dollars and we had a nice time. But jeebus, that stuff sneaks up on ya!

Originally Posted by Guilty Pleasures
Yes, tequila isn't my favourite and champagne totally does me in.... But I love it!
pyramider's Avatar
Kind of difficult to catch a good buzz without some booze.
TexTushHog's Avatar
"Everything in moderation, including moderation!!" as Mark Twain said.
motor's Avatar
  • motor
  • 05-17-2011, 08:54 PM
yes you are right, some time excess aint so bad. Espcially in your own home were no one can get hurt.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 05-17-2011, 10:01 PM
Kind of difficult to catch a good buzz without some booze. Originally Posted by pyramider
I get high on life!

It's so damn much fun, I can't believe I drank twenty plus years away!

Don't get me wrong, I loved me some drinking but now-a-days , its the next few days that keep me from poping a top again and again.

My hangovers are what have done me in. I guess you could say I can't hang with da big dawgs!
Yes it's wierd, it took me a few weeks to REALLY miss alcohol, but the day I woke up without coffee in the fridge was really traumatic!!!

Never again... Sadly I'm very dependent on the Splenda also. That's the only thing I really like that I think Hey, maybe I shouldn't.. But I want to. And that's what counts. Originally Posted by Leah Ireland
Please explain the Splenda dependency. My favorite Coke is the one with Splenda in it. Taste more sugary and no excessive foam.
It all depends.

The same question you could ask about all other kind of drugs.

I generally am rarely drinking alcohol. But that is because i am a snob and don`t like the feeling of loosing control or forgetting to do my workout because i am too wasted :-). I drink beer and red wine. anything else, no.

Generally speaking i think alcohol is overrated and i don`t like this "drinking" society we are in. I used to work as bartender and the pressure to drink is realy disgusting. People don`t invite you for non-alcoholic beverages. So you make less tip.
I think its thoughtless.

I never miss alcohol.

I used to smoke cigarrettes for 2 years and was dependent on them , so i missed them like crazy when i did not have a pack at home :-). It was horrible!! But i stopped thanks to chewing nicotine gum.
Not a huge drinker myself and therefore a lightweight. Just hate that morning after feeling,