Question on odessa

GlassTableGirl2017's Avatar
So in dallas bng and q.v. are popular I'm assuming bng is not in the west?? I can't say bng with bp clients because of laws
My period is a time I give the kitty a break but I re s the worst timing I've never had issues though with bng but west texas market is different I'm just confused on this subject any advice on marketing just pm me
I am a big fan of BNG. But 120 is a bit high. Most of the time it’s between 60-80.
I prefer a bng most of the time as well. And I agree with Jason on the price.
DallasRain's Avatar
Yes. Traveling is harder to do wv or hh...usually I offer hh at 100 just to fill in.
GlassTableGirl2017's Avatar
Last weekend here in Texas so it's cool