Why are Republicans So Stupid? Are they Zombies overtaking America?

StandinStraight's Avatar
Maybe I watch to much of the Walking Dead but the stupidness and ignorance of everyone Republican these days makes you wonder if we are being taken over by some kind of mutants that die unless they get more stupid every day, Fox News being your main source of stupid. How else can anyone explain what happened, it’s getting scary.

Here is a good article talking about how stupid you are

I B Hankering's Avatar
Maybe I watch to much of the Walking Dead but the stupidness and ignorance of everyone Republican these days makes you wonder if we are being taken over by some kind of mutants that die unless they get more stupid every day, Fox News being your main source of stupid. How else can anyone explain what happened, it’s getting scary.

Here is a good article talking about how stupid you are

Originally Posted by StandinStraight
You willingly swallow pearls of Huffy jiz, Standing Stupid; that shows how stupid you are, Standing Stupid.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Makes perfect sense IB.

You kiss your dog with that mouth?
I B Hankering's Avatar
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Smart, witty and poignant.

This is where IBIdiot goes when he’s exhausted any logical argument. That normally occurs after the first or second post after he makes an outrageous claim, lies or insults another poster.

Thanks for reminding everybody why YOU were the original Dipshit of the Year.

And the only member named Twat of the Year.

There are dumb people of all stripes all across the world. The question is can you get the ones in America to vote for you. Democrats get them in spades. As a an person of color (forgive my political correctness) active in politics for close to 20 years (on both sides), I know for a fact democrats play to people's miss-understanding of issues particularly to communities of color. They also encourage election fraud (one of the many reasons I left that side). That is not say that their aren't democrats who understand WHAT they are voting for.
Which their are... 10s of Millions of them. That is the most distressing part. That is also not to say that democrats don't win Elections fair and square. They use fraud as insurance in case of a close election.

So Dumb people of all stripes exists, Democrat and Republican. I myself prefer low taxes (for everyone rich included... 15% graduate up from 2%), libertarian government (don't care if you want to marry a fence post, or smoke your brains out with cannabis), efficient administration, and a small social safety net that encourage people to fish instead of giving them fish (don't want to encourage dependency). That would include a universal emergency/unfortunate occurrence policy for those who can't pay, paid for by sales taxes on medical services/devices... (as if you cared what my political preferences are).
Is that so hard? In any case, after being so 'invloved' for close to 20 years now, I realize that politics is just like sports and about as consequential. If you are not taking care of yourself and all you care about is if "your guy" got elected or is doing well, you are fucking up royally. Whether or not you are a Democrat or a Republican or you favor less traditional parties. In any case, I hope my comments helped to heal any wounds that any body is feeling and helped to bind our country together in these tough (yet prosperous) times.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Smart, witty and poignant.

This is where IBIdiot goes when he’s exhausted any logical argument. That normally occurs after the first or second post after he makes an outrageous claim, lies or insults another poster.

Thanks for reminding everybody why YOU were the original Dipshit of the Year.

And the only member named Twat of the Year.

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

You get what you deserve, you Mussulman-luvin, Hitler worshipping, lying, hypocritical, racist, cum-gobbling golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM. You've yet to demonstrate that you are capable of intelligent discourse, you Mussulman-luvin, Hitler worshipping, lying, hypocritical, racist, cum-gobbling golem fucktard, HDDB, DEM.
lustylad's Avatar
This is where IBIdiot goes when he’s exhausted any logical argument. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Wait... you're capable of "logical argument"? Where in your 38,792 eccie spam posts has that ever happened, oinkboy?

The next time you advance a logical argument will be your first.
StandinStraight's Avatar
There are dumb people of all stripes all across the world. The question is can you get the ones in America to vote for you. Democrats get them in spades. As a an person of color (forgive my political correctness) active in politics for close to 20 years (on both sides), I know for a fact democrats play to people's miss-understanding of issues particularly to communities of color. They also encourage election fraud (one of the many reasons I left that side). That is not say that their aren't democrats who understand WHAT they are voting for.
Which their are... 10s of Millions of them. That is the most distressing part. That is also not to say that democrats don't win Elections fair and square. They use fraud as insurance in case of a close election.

So Dumb people of all stripes exists, Democrat and Republican. I myself prefer low taxes (for everyone rich included... 15% graduate up from 2%), libertarian government (don't care if you want to marry a fence post, or smoke your brains out with cannabis), efficient administration, and a small social safety net that encourage people to fish instead of giving them fish (don't want to encourage dependency). That would include a universal emergency/unfortunate occurrence policy for those who can't pay, paid for by sales taxes on medical services/devices... (as if you cared what my political preferences are).
Is that so hard? In any case, after being so 'invloved' for close to 20 years now, I realize that politics is just like sports and about as consequential. If you are not taking care of yourself and all you care about is if "your guy" got elected or is doing well, you are fucking up royally. Whether or not you are a Democrat or a Republican or you favor less traditional parties. In any case, I hope my comments helped to heal any wounds that any body is feeling and helped to bind our country together in these tough (yet prosperous) times. Originally Posted by HndsmGntlmn
The problem with your post is that you assume everyone getting assistance is scamming the system and doesn’t need help to survive, you also believe stupid things like democrats encourage voter fraud, once you said something stupid like that everything else you said means little.

Now that the corporate tax rate will be slashed to 21% how about raising the minimum wage to 15 dollars per hour, then we wouldn’t have so many people in poverty needing assistance and it would assure that some of the windfall corporate America is getting does trickle down.
Budman's Avatar
The problem with your post is that you assume everyone getting assistance is scamming the system and doesn’t need help to survive, you also believe stupid things like democrats encourage voter fraud, once you said something stupid like that everything else you said means little.

Now that the corporate tax rate will be slashed to 21% how about raising the minimum wage to 15 dollars per hour, then we wouldn’t have so many people in poverty needing assistance and it would assure that some of the windfall corporate America is getting does trickle down. Originally Posted by StandinStraight

Using your own logic you should have quit posting after your very first post. Nothing you have said since then means jack fucking shit.
StandinStraight's Avatar
Using your own logic you should have quit posting after your very first post. Nothing you have said since then means jack fucking shit. Originally Posted by Budman
I am starting to wonder what is tougher, having my balls randomly grabbed by women harassers or having my mind abused by the ignorance of you Republitards.
I B Hankering's Avatar
The problem with your post is that you assume everyone getting assistance is scamming the system and doesn’t need help to survive, you also believe stupid things like democrats encourage voter fraud, once you said something stupid like that everything else you said means little.

Now that the corporate tax rate will be slashed to 21% how about raising the minimum wage to 15 dollars per hour, then we wouldn’t have so many people in poverty needing assistance and it would assure that some of the windfall corporate America is getting does trickle down.
Originally Posted by StandinStraight
You're a retarded jackass for believing such, Standing Stupid. Raising minimum wage only inflates the bureaucratic number assigned to demarcate those considered to be in poverty from those who are considered not to be in poverty, Standing Stupid. In 1987 the median income for the average American household was $25,000, but today $25,000 for a family of four is considered to be in poverty, Standing Stupid. There will always be an element in society "who lack the usual or socially acceptable amount of money or material possessions" others enjoy, Standing Stupid. That's life, Standing Stupid.
StandinStraight's Avatar
You're a retarded jackass for believing such, Standing Stupid. Raising minimum wage only inflates the bureaucratic number assigned to demarcate those considered to be in poverty from those who are considered not to be in poverty, Standing Stupid. In 1987 the median income for the average American household was $25,000, but today $25,000 for a family of four is considered to be in poverty, Standing Stupid. There will always be an element in society "who lack the usual or socially acceptable amount of money or material possessions" others enjoy, Standing Stupid. That's life, Standing Stupid. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Well one day I hope your one of those that are in need and get nothing and find yourself on the street you deserve to have that happen and don’t think it can’t .
I B Hankering's Avatar
Well one day I hope your one of those that are in need and get nothing and find yourself on the street you deserve to have that happen and don’t think it can’t . Originally Posted by StandinStraight
It won't happen, Standing Stupid. hildebeest's dim-retard redistribution plan was checked by the last election, Standing Stupid.
lustylad's Avatar