Obama vs. Perry: Who Would You Vote For?

  • Booth
  • 05-19-2011, 01:09 PM
The point of this poll is to see if Eccie voters are as out of step with mainstream America as I think they might be.
WyldemanATX's Avatar
The point of this poll is to see if Eccie voters are as out of step with mainstream America as I think they might be. Originally Posted by Booth

I think you are out of step with mainstream America..
KosherCowboy's Avatar
Looks like I got to be the first Perry vote. TX seems to be doing well, doing something right. The US economy, blah..

but anyone but Obama in 2012 !! I think Perry has proven leadership skills while Obama has been pushed around. Perry would be a formidable candidate and he has often stood up against the Federal Government when they try ( as they still do) to exert excessive control of the states. Related to the other Obama thread, there are no good Reds, Perry would be one..

Hey, I'd vote for Yssup before Obama in exchange for a hot bowl of chicken soup with extra knadlack.
As to mainstream America, we won't find it on here but we won't find it on NBC or in the New York Times either. Some more reputable polls reflect the real numbers but no numbers were as accurately representative of voter sentiment than the results of the mid term elections. Regardless of the opinions we may differ with here on ECCIE; or any poll for that matter including FOX News and NBC to hit both ends of the spectrum ( remember, reporting is fair and balanced not just presenting numbers from one side aka the liberal media polls) ; results speak louder than any poll ever will.
  • Booth
  • 05-19-2011, 01:24 PM
I think you are out of step with mainstream America.. Originally Posted by Wyldeman30
You're entitled to your opinion, W. We're probably not ever going to agree on much but can we agree to at least try to keep this one civil? As one of the mods said so well in the other thread, let's bash the politicians and not each other.

For anyone wondering why Rick Perry has suddenly entered the presidential discussion, it's because Rush L. discussed this possibility yesterday.

Back to work but I'll check in tonight.
WyldemanATX's Avatar
NO Bama
NO Leadership
NO Experience
NO Hope
NO Change

Send his ass back to Chicago.....

The whole state of Nevada just got a waiver on the Obama care....


Budman's Avatar
I would vote for anyone over Obama. This clown will go down in history as the worst POTUS. That's saying something when you beat Jimmy Carter for the title.
Guest121014-02's Avatar
Obama .... Any day over crook Rick Perry. There are some candidates that might win my vote over Obama but certainly not that jack ass.
WyldemanATX's Avatar
Obama is stealing money at a extreme rate and you call Rick Perry a crook!

KosherCowboy's Avatar
Obama just stamped his ticket back to Chicago, ain't gonna win without the Jewish vote and he can kiss the swing state Florida good bye for sure now too...He'll still carry NY and CA but his mideast policy is going to bury him in Ohio and PA. Perry would rip him apart.

Perry would never bow down to Muslim, Arab, call it whatever you want 'pressure', ever. I hope he does run, Obama is easy pickins now.


The governor of TX would not be a pussy when it comes to standing up for democracies in the middle east, no wonder Obama sat in the Oval Office with his thumb up his ass when he could have backed Syrian, Libyan and Egyptian as well as Iranian uprisings much swifter...
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I hope Perry runs and gets the nomination. We'd be getting him out of Texas once and for all. He probably wouldn't have the slightest chance of winning, though, since his pandering to the extreme right will drive more moderate Rs to Obama than Palin did. After all, look at what a great job he's done in Texas.

However, Perry might actually be a legitimate leader in the formalization of the Tea Party and its separation from the GOP, which I believe needs to happen...as do GOP leaders who have seen their party rip itself apart from the inside out for the past few years.

The absence of a strong third party has hurt this country for years, evidenced more than ever right now.

Just my opinion.
WyldemanATX's Avatar
Yssup, you know who really appreciates your opinion? You.
  • Booth
  • 05-19-2011, 06:48 PM
Yssup, you know who really appreciates your opinion? You. Originally Posted by Wyldeman30
Come on W. Adults are trying to have a discussion here and you're the only one trying to mess it up. I've appreciated all the comments so far with the exception of yours.

I'll have to admit that it looks like I've been wrong about some of my assumptions regarding politics on this board. I thought Perry would run away with it but the board appears to be more diverse than a small sampling of regular posters led me to believe.
WyldemanATX's Avatar
This is a very liberal city and this is a liberal site. Of course you do not appreciate my comments I do not have the same beliefs as you..
  • Booth
  • 05-19-2011, 07:06 PM
This is a very liberal city and this is a liberal site. Of course you do not appreciate my comments I do not have the same beliefs as you.. Originally Posted by Wyldeman30
Budman and Kosher don't share my beliefs either but I have no problem appreciating their posts. It must be something else...
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I'm not surprised by the results so far. More people support Barry O than the vocal opposition might think. They just do it in private.

Considering what Perry stands for, and what his record has shown, I think perhaps a different trial opponent might be in order. I don't want to give too much weight to Rush Limbaugh's opinion here. There could be a strong GOP candidate. He/she just hasn't emerged yet. Perry has spent the past 10 years pandering to the extreme right. He's not a fit with the GOP leadership.

Like I said before ... if he does get the GOP nomination, we'll have another landslide and Texas will be rid of the worst governor we've had in my lifetime. It's a win-win.

On another note: I do apologize for offending Wyldeman last night. Sincerely and unequivocally. I was out of line. That said, can we PLEASE have a discussion bereft of personal attacks?