What Happened to Backpage ?

Adds only have pics and phone #s now. No alias, no intersection of incall, no more girl describing herself. Not much fun to read anymore.

CG2014's Avatar
LOL! This must be the 4th thread about this subject in past week.

This should explain it:


Randilyn's Avatar
I just posted this in another forum but ill do it here as well ... its really not that much of a change instead of hitting the list view button for the ads, hit the gallery button and the pics will show up and girls are putting their locations and other info right on the pics .. its a way of bp protecting themselves .. if there is no ad verbiage then bp cant be help accountable for it , the person who puts up the ad is ...
DownForWhatever's Avatar
...got no dog in this hunt...don't use BP, but checked it out for giggles.

Clicked on a few photos and followed the offsite links...most were either dead ends or sent me to some-fucking-where
Randall Creed's Avatar
They are eliminating verbiage from ads, basically as a way of saying 'the less we know, the better' as far as what adults are doing when they meet each other from the dating section.

As long as the message isn't overt, then there's room for leeway...pretty much. They're just playing politics, while allowing people to, umm, do what they do...whatever you all be 'doing' with each other. It's purely a coincidence that these women are taking highly suggestive pics of themselves. That doesn't mean it's for sex. Maybe they like to...counsel people on life improving and enlightenment.

I wouldn't know what y'all be up to. I only go by what I hear.