Ladies, what would it take to get you to take your ads down??

JT10's Avatar
  • JT10
  • 05-19-2011, 10:39 PM
.....and go exclusive?

Annual times 1.5, annual times 1, annual times .5 ????
Remember no more advertising, answering emails, phones, chasing your tail. Bad appointments, etc, etc.

This question was spurred by a conversation with a lady about $$$ and her life. She eluded to wishing she could make "this kind of money" but not do this at this pace. When I asked her if she would really quit, she hesitated. So part two of the question is would you really quit or is the lifestyle appealling?
shorty's Avatar
I would suspect a really good paying job to supplement there lost income from providing. There are some ladies that have a real life job and just do this for the extra income and meeting new people. Some will quit providing once there child gets old enough to start asking questions about what mommy does. Then, there are some that will find there mate and quit providing because they want to be faithful and don't want to lie to him. So, there is no one correct answer to this because of so many variables.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Nothing right now. This is my profession of choice and I love it. Any job has BS you have to deal with, frankly for the $ I make, the BS I have to put up with is rather slim.

Also I would never want to go exclusive with one client.

Oh .... I did just think of one thing that would get me to take my ads down .... if I won at least 5 million dollars.
I've taken sabbaticals from escorting to do the sugar baby thing a few times and depending on how often the guy wants to see me/be involved in my life it ranges from as little as 6k to as much as 12k per month, to be paid directly into my checking account at the start of every month. I would HAVE to get along great with the guy and genuinely enjoy being around him and most importantly of all he would have to RESPECT MY BOUNDARIES- emotionally, physically and time wise. So far I haven't met a guy yet that is willing to pay me that amount of money and capable of respecting all three of those boundaries I'll keep posting ads.
atlcomedy's Avatar
Nothing right now. This is my profession of choice and I love it. Any job has BS you have to deal with, frankly for the $ I make, the BS I have to put up with is rather slim.

Also I would never want to go exclusive with one client.

Oh .... I did just think of one thing that would get me to take my ads down .... if I won at least 5 million dollars. Originally Posted by Brooke Wild
I think this is the right question to answer first before you get to what number or multiple it would take. That is, would being exclusive be a desirable thing?

Look to the civie world for examples to learn from. One (or a small number of) customer(s) businesses walk a tightrope. The good times are great. Very lucrative & they aren't out spending a ton of resources on business development. But, one of those relationships becomes troubles...well that's a really tough thing to deal with. So some firms will sacrifice some profits to have the stabiltiy of a broad, diverse client base.
Personally, I do not believe that there is a set amount of $ that could be offered to get me to quit the industry.

I am the sole provider of my childrens needs and wants.
I am an Independent, so I make all the decisions and call all the shots.
Plus, I do not depend on Anybody to help me along the way. ( No offense intended to anybody) I just choose to fight my battles and meet my goals on my own.

Besides, in my opinion, if a man offers a provider a substantial amount of $ to be "exclusively" his, then nothing has really changed. She is still a provider, that was paid in advance to meet His Needs and His Needs Only. And thats not all, he might go on an ego trip, and think that he now has control over her. Not a good situation to be in, regardless of the "Pay Out".

I would only quit the industry, if my heart guides me to. No "Pay Out" required.
A decision based with the full understanding that the my life style will change, plus I have to be willing to accept and adapt to a different life style . . Without resentments.
Since I have other income, this would be an easy one for me. 5k per month would work. I would no longer have the overhead of advertising and hotels and I could always go back to advertising if it didn't work out.

Sometimes, I find it difficult to keep up the two "jobs", so I really appreciate my regulars. Having something exclusive would be ideal, as long as he wasn't the overly sensative, clingy type.
I couldn't be exclusive, I'm to slutty to stick with one dick for one year. I'd get crazy bored.
.....and go exclusive?

Annual times 1.5, annual times 1, annual times .5 ????
Remember no more advertising, answering emails, phones, chasing your tail. Bad appointments, etc, etc.

This question was spurred by a conversation with a lady about $$$ and her life. She eluded to wishing she could make "this kind of money" but not do this at this pace. When I asked her if she would really quit, she hesitated. So part two of the question is would you really quit or is the lifestyle appealling? Originally Posted by JT10
Not a damn thing. I personally do not like "having strings" to someone or being "held captive" by exclusivity. That takes away my independence, and freedom, and that my dear will just not do. You cannot put a price on either of those. It would be like god forbid "being married"!!
Sweet N Little's Avatar
I couldn't be exclusive, I'm to slutty to stick with one dick for one year. I'd get crazy bored. Originally Posted by SkylarCruzWantsYou
This !!! I'd cheat in a heartbeat ... I like my toys to much ....if I were married if be faithful .but I'm not & I like playing way to much...
There ain't enough $
Lol GP, that's what I was thinking... why they hell would I want to be "married" again? Haha! That's classic
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Soooo true vixen!!!! Lol never again !!
true_whatever's Avatar
It depends on what each person wanted out of it. If neither party desires or requires exclusivity, and the guy isn't looking for a discount, then you're really just talking about buying out the lady's available time. Then it depends on how much she usually works in a month.

That's the only way it would happen for me. If I found one lady and spent all my hobby budget on her, and that just so happened to match/exceed her available time and desired amount of working hours...then it would effectively be an exclusive arrangement.

But a lot of these ladies like meeting different people, and we all know the guys are sluts.
  • LynnT
  • 05-20-2011, 09:00 AM
I'll stop when Ive made enough money to buy and do the things I started this job for.. My future.

Im thinking about 6 more months if that..

I do this job mainly for my day biz, once that it set off.. bye hooker world. I will probably UTR it with my regulars until I meet a man I want to share something "real" with. I'll still post on the board sometimes even though Im retired, obviously no ads. Just a retired hooker talk. lol
As tempting as it sounds, then you're on their schedule and I don't like that. I like being able to make my own rules, my own schedule and basically doing what I want and when. Plus in my past experience some guys get too possessive. I'm always up for changing things up and trying it out if it sounds good but NEVER exclusively.