Rapture Day 5/21/11 ?? Guys don't go out w/o a good bang today !!!

With all the talk of this I think that makes it even a better reason to book a hot date with a sexy lady today or tomorrow ! You never know wouldn't it be better to be prepared + well fucked !!!!
No doubt, met e nat Rey today, just because if gar apocolpse, lol
Naomi4u's Avatar
I had a good bang last night and I did it for free. Does that count? hehehe
yes !! but you can never have too much =)
DallasRain's Avatar
burkalini's Avatar
Hey I'm still here. Shit I didnt pay any bills because I thought the rapture was today. Fuck now I gotta pay. Where in the world are we when we can't depend even on the rapture. Maybe we will have that 2012 thing in time. I hate bills I need an appocalypse.

Its a JOKE No religious fanatics please
Omahan's Avatar
Don't we have until noon? I better get over to see my ATF!
  • Sami
  • 05-21-2011, 09:14 PM
Guess everyone survived happy days to come
Pink Floyd's Avatar
Now we have to watch for 12-21-2012 according to the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit calender, or was that the Mayan Calendar.
Iaintliein's Avatar
Hello. . . Hello. . . .Is there anybody out there??????
Yep we are still here, ahehehe.
DallasRain's Avatar
Yup still here.. Guess we missed out.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Hi guys! Had to get the WiFi working up here in heaven, but we're good now.