Sure, You Can Write ... but Why?

James1588's Avatar
Sex workers ... professional companions ... ladies of the demimonde ...

Stressed out?

Too much to do?

Spending more time than you want on administrative chores, like writing ads? Bios? Profiles? Web site copy?

You deserve the chance to spend more time on what's really important to your business. Seeing clients. Getting ready to see clients. Self care. You know, the time you spend on yourself is time invested in your business. Seriously -- "you time" is essential to your business's bottom line!

And that's where I come in.

Close your eyes, ladies, and imagine me. Short. Old. Pudgy. Three-quarters bald. Leaning back in my desk chair, interlacing my typing fingers, flexing them back, gently cracking the knuckles. Then running my fingers, slowly, sensually, over ... yes, Roget's Thesaurus. The Merriam-Webster New Collegiate Dictionary. Strunk and White's The Elements of Style. And that's just the beginning of my toy box.

Getting excited? I know I am!

I've been involved with the written English word for sixty years now ... and I love what I do! Ladies, let me give you the literary pampering that you truly deserve. What your husband, boyfriend, or SO won't do ... I will. Copy that enhances your brand and boosts your business: I deliver!

So, be that woman. You know ... the one who says, "Sit and stare at a blinking cursor for an hour, writing an ad? Ha! Who's got time for that? I just shoot a 10-second email off to James 1588: Write me an ad for next week ... I'm going to Memphis. A fairly short one. A couple hundred words. Put in some local detail." Click SEND, and then you're off to a spa day, or heading out to meet yet another good-looking, safe, respectful, friendly, intelligent client with hundred-dollar bills falling out of his pockets ... in bunches. While I, your copywriter, pull out the keyboard shelf and deal with that blinking cursor, for very reasonable rates. And that's why you're you, and I'm me.

What are you waiting for, ladies? PM me, and get all the details. The spa awaits ...