They are out there but very rare indeed.
Originally Posted by shilo
I totally agree. Providers get paid cash money to fuck and so for the most part, guys are a business transaction and the ladies do as little service as possible thinking that just because the paying john got his nut, she 100% did her job, deserving of a great review. That is why I find it hilarious to read some provider ads stating that they are so horny, a total nympho or words to that effect (but they are ads to bait business in the door, so there is that), then the reviews of the same lady are consistently that she is a dead fish fuck, very little to no IOP and she is a clock watcher.
If and when you do find a provider or two who gives you that IOP where the passion seems so real, don't lose her number, she is also a rare treat in the hobby. A good idea and to be fair, don't ever go by what ONE guy's review says, especially of a new to the site provider where his review is probably the only one (these are usually pimp/facilitator reviews anyway), but maybe look for at least a handful of different guys to see and review her to see the parity of her service.