
pgmrpmt's Avatar
Has anybody had a positive experience with this service? A provider from Backpage uses this for screening. I logged in, supplied details, they ran a $1 charge to my credit card and I heard nothing. A week later, another $38 on the card - still nothing. I'm starting to suspect something is wrong
I would suggest you cancell your card. Everytime something like that has happened to me my card has been hijacked.
Never heard of it, you should call your credit card company and have them cancel your card and issue another one.
I'll be happy to straighten this out for you....please send me your credit card number, social security number, bank statement, tax returns, your mother's maiden name and a money order for $250...That ought to do it!!
Naomi4u's Avatar
offshoredrilling's Avatar
its faster than a cash-n-dash. And you will never know if was even a women or a man.