What is your New Year's Resolution?

FirePhoenix's Avatar
Just about everyone has a New Year's resolutions at some point in their life. Now, most of the time I didn't because if I wanted to start a new habit I would simply just start. Well this year I came up with a New Year's resolutions that gives me a smile. My New Year's resolutions is to leave a can of air freshener in every Starbucks bathroom. Everyone wants to say "My shit don't stink". I say "Well I'm gna help you with that because I might be the person right behind you to use that bathroom." I think I've hit up 10 bathrooms so far,more than just Starbucks, and have left cans of air freshener. So I'm think I'm achieving my New Year's resolution. So what's your New Year's Resolutions, past or present, that made you smile because you achieved your goal.

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