AMP photos

Has anyone ever gone to an amp that they saw advertised here or other places and seen even one lady in the building that resembled any of the posted pictures in the ad?????? I sure have not.
Desertdog's Avatar
It's all bait and switch with AMP
I've never seen the girl in the picks at any place I've been They always show a young girl and you always get an old lady
goodman0422's Avatar
Outside of New Mexico. For some reason, we get the bottom of the barrel. I've seen some gorgeous ones in AZ and CA.

(I gotta be honest, I think it's because we low-ball girls here. Why would a girl work here and get 100 when the same girl would get 160 somewhere else.)
Outside of New Mexico. For some reason, we get the bottom of the barrel. I've seen some gorgeous ones in AZ and CA.

(I gotta be honest, I think it's because we low-ball girls here. Why would a girl work here and get 100 when the same girl would get 160 somewhere else.) Originally Posted by goodman0422
I have but it was only at the one place(Eubank & Lomas) for a short time between December and January in 2016 and 2017. I have seen 2 little hotties there but they have gone downhill within the past year. Those 2 were about as close I have got to seeing model quality talent around here.
joyote's Avatar
I have seen some good looking babes in amp’s in NM, and some kinda homely. The photos are always fake. The best looking ones are not always the best ride. I like the reliability of the amp’s. They are always there, you walk in, no appt. If you don’t like who you see, you can move on to the next one, but be nice. A few have been close to gfe. I think they are glad to be here and are well paid. From reading reviews, I would say many are good at negotiating. The ones I like the best don’t make money such an issue
Has anyone ever gone to an amp that they saw advertised here or other places and seen even one lady in the building that resembled any of the posted pictures in the ad?????? I sure have not. Originally Posted by carguy1989

Come on carguy you already knew the answer to that.
The local gents need to stop over paying for subpar service and ask to see the girls before paying the massage fee before anything will change. Water will always seek its own level. Here the expectation is for a low water level and we accept that. So no need for the amps to change anything or offer better. IMHO of course.
I expected as much ....... kinda tongue in cheek question. I rarely even see pics of ladies here ........ you pays your nickel and ride the ride, or don't and go home. lol
I like Asian ladies, and I like getting massages, but I'm kind of done with AMPs here. For one, HJ's don't really do anything for me, and two they almost always upsell to the point where you could get a HHR with a provider for more service. And three: when they speak zero English it's very hard to negotiate and I wonder about human trafficking (if it's voluntary that's all good, but if it's not, that's not cool).