ARGH!!! Stop misusing "unanswered"

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Sports writers, commentators, etc. are driving me nuts with their misuse of the word "unanswered".
Tonight's glaring example...
"Titans score 19 unanswered points to stun the Chiefs"

No, no, no, wrong!
The proper use is "Titans score 1 unanswered point"... won 22-21.

The first 18 points were the Titan's ANSWER to the 21-3 deficit they were in - their last point was the winning point which the Chiefs didn't answer - that's 1 unanswered point, not 19.

When it was 21-3, the Chiefs had scored 18 unanswered points.
As the Titans started scoring, they were answering the Chiefs initially unanswered points.
Hence the number of the Chief's unanswered points declined until they were all answered.

When the score became final, only 1 unanswered point existed, not 19.
Titans: 1 unanswered point; Chiefs: 0 unanswered points.
Thousands of 6 and 7-figure salaries out there don't understand the meaning of the word "unanswered", ARGH, STOP IT!!!