We are all gay..? What the What?

I am just browsing through some of the funniest scenes from "Californication" and came across this old one that makes me laugh so hard every time I watch it. I love Runkle, he is hilarious.

You Tube Link


Just curious to you "Californication" viewers.. what are some of your favorite scenes?
kerwil62's Avatar
That whole scene was gay, and not necessarily funny either.

Even the way the guy stood over the other one was gay. I could see if it was a woman sitting down, but it's a dude which, to me, makes it gay.
"Men will be men... and boys will do boys"

Classic Runkle.

Great pull, GP.

It isn't funny by any means, but this one of favorite scenes from the show. I really loved the "Lew Ashby" season:


I also loved the scene from this past season when Runkle cut his balls while manscaping and had to beg Marcy to get him to the hospital.
"Men will be men... and boys will do boys"

Classic Runkle.

Great pull, GP.

It isn't funny by any means, but this one of favorite scenes from the show. I really loved the "Lew Ashby" season:


I also loved the scene from this past season when Runkle cut his balls while manscaping and had to beg Marcy to get him to the hospital. Originally Posted by Justin_Scott
OMG that was friggin hilarious when Runkle did that! In fact if you could find it on youtube, that would be funnier than hell to put on the "Manscape Thread" on how not to trim yourself...!!!
OMG that was friggin hilarious when Runkle did that! In fact if you could find it on youtube, that would be funnier than hell to put on the "Manscape Thread" on how not to trim yourself...!!! Originally Posted by Guilty Pleasures
Yes... that would be perfect!
K2S0's Avatar
  • K2S0
  • 05-24-2011, 04:27 PM
i was expecting this clip when i saw the title

Runkle and Kathleen Turner...she's no longer inspiring body heat, but she's got a great character who's always horny. "You ate this pussy like your momma made it."

I think this sums up Californication. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dYg8V...eature=related
I think this sums up Californication. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dYg8V...eature=related Originally Posted by surcher

Lawls, Hank is such a "whoredog"..! You just have to love this show!!
I did feel uncomfortable with Hank unknowingly screwing the 16 year old, and not, (it seems), realizing the kind of trouble he was in.

I am waiting for Entourage to return. That cop waiving that baggy of Blow in front of Vince had "extreme reality check" written all over it.

By the way GP. I have always suspected that I am a Lesbian trapped in a mans body.