Catherine Zeta Jones - face

VitaMan's Avatar
What has happened to her ? She used to be a real beauty.
Thread sucks without a photo
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar

Confession. I'm not wanting to do what I need to do and have a problem with procrastinating this morning (EDITED. crap. It's already the afternoon).

So I looked up past and present photos.

She's aged and had a lot of plastic surgery. Even attractive females feel the pinch of aging.

Skinny women tend to lose the fat in their face when they're older. Fat woman? Sometimes do not.

Anyway, you're right. She doesn't have that fresh glow of years past.

Aging is such a bitch regardless of wealth, fame or your social standing. Men seem to age more gracefully, if they've taken care of themselves.

Females ... not so fortunate at times.

Just my thoughts.

PS If memory serves, she was/is a smoker. Smoking makes such a difference over the years. Could be one reason why at almost 50, she isn't aging as gracefully as some.
Could it possibly be that she's older? Almost 50
Great thread by the way
RyanFromTER's Avatar
TryWeakly's Avatar
she got that clown smile goin on... too much botox....or surgery went snafu...

I'd still hit it, given the opportunity.

correction.. hit it, and hit it....and hit it..and hit it some more till the cows come home.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Getting old is not for sissies.
VitaMan's Avatar
She denies plastic surgery, but she sure has the Jane Fonda look going on. Some photos she is almost unrecognizable.
Wow had not seen her in awhile. Looks much different and not in a good way.

Scarlett Johansson still looks great but granted she's not 50. I believe she will look even better as she ages..
She also went nuts. Seriously. That's why she hasn't been seen in a while.
Michael Douglas fed on her youth and beauty to keep himself alive...much like a vampire.
Champagne Brown's Avatar
^^ sounds like some Illuminati stuff..
VitaMan's Avatar
Michael Douglas fed on her youth and beauty to keep himself alive...much like a vampire. Originally Posted by Mythos
He learned everything he knows from Kirk, who was a wild man in Hollywood. Conquest after conquest.

But he is still alive must be 100, and survived a helicopter crash. Have to give him credit for that. Maybe his strong libido kept him going. Kind of like Tiger.