LOL! Great Ads...

Kelly TNT's Avatar
Okay, so I Have to give Carrie Hillcrest a hand for the Great ad she just posted!
You are AWESOME WOMAN! I love it! This is a great ad!
Check it out!!

Okay guys....with all the ladies out there posting ads each week....
Who's are your favorites? Creative, Informative, Short To the Point, Seductive, HOT, Funny, or whatever?!
It's hard trying to come up with something fresh each week. So, I'd like to know who you think always has a great ad!!

~Kelly TNT
  • C0896
  • 08-23-2009, 08:25 AM
I don't have to many opinions on who has a great ad. I will say that when it is the same ad each week after a while I will just skip it most of the time. So the cut and paste approach is not a good way to get my attention.

I think when you asked:
"Who's are your favorites? Creative, Informative, Short To the Point, Seductive, HOT, Funny, or whatever?!"

YES - all of those. I know it doesn't answer the question but someone taking the time to put some thought and feeling into it usually comes accross better. Use a different picture in each add. Then even if the text is the same we may not even notice!

It does not always have to be long either. I remember seeing an add with just a phone number and said call me as plan B. Short to the point and I knew she would be ok if I did just that. I also got a little chuckle out of it because of its simplicity. Didn't prompt me to see her but I thought it was clever.

As far as Carrie's ad the only improvement I would make would be to add the gopher from Caddyshack instead. Just thinking about him doing a dance in the corner looking at her legs........ "I'm all right, nobody worry 'bout me"

**I tried to add the image of the gopher but it didn't work - I need to go read how to do that. I won't ask since I learned from the other board that search is my friend **
fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 08-23-2009, 09:05 AM
Carrie, that is a cute ad.....Kelly I know what youre talking about, I cant ever think of anything to say that is cute or witty....Mine are short and sweet....I know borrrrrrrrrrrrrring....:confus ed:
I don't remember ever making an appt based solely on an ad. The funny ones get my attention.
I find that I tend to stay away from providers whose ads are poorly written or are offering big discounts or mention anything about how badly they need cash. I prefer ads that give details such as location and schedule. I also like pictures in the ads or a working link to her website or p411 page.

I do have a list of aboout 15 providers I would like to see. If one of those ladies were to post a special, I would be
motivated to put her on top of the list.

I hope Carrie has properly compensated the squirrel for his time.
foX's Avatar
  • foX
  • 08-23-2009, 11:30 AM
........ a PM after I saw the ad. I am still laughing. I'm not sure funny, smart ads like that help business, but I do enjoy it when someone can have some fun with this business. I don't know that I've seen an ad that hit my funny bone more squarely.
Chevalier's Avatar
It's hard trying to come up with something fresh each week. So, I'd like to know who you think always has a great ad!! Originally Posted by Kelly TNT
Carrie is the first one who comes to mind. She doesn't post an ad every week, but (over the past year anyway) it's always different from the last one, and usually makes me laugh.

Caitie Mae didn't regularly change her ads, and her wit and intelligence didn't shine through quite as clearly, but I always thought hers were some of the best ads posted back in the day.

And if you go back several years, Tabitha Toy used to post some great ads that gave a real sense of her personality. At least, I think so -- it's been several years and my memory isn't very good these days.

In most cases, perhaps our perception of the ad is colored by our perception of the lady. As evidenced perhaps by my votes above. although several of my favorites rarely posted memorable ads.
elpocitopolloloco's Avatar
Carrie has the most clever ads. She's raising the bar on keeping this fun and interesting at the same time.
Aw, geez, y'all are going to make me blush. Thank you!

I got the idea after seeing this photo:

But I didn't want to spend the time Photoshopping it (laaaaaaaaazy). And then I found this!!!:


Oh, and yes, the squirrel signed a model release form and has received ample compensation in the form of acorns, berries, and Twinkies.
  • OFF
  • 09-01-2009, 02:49 PM
Carrie, I have stared and stared at the photo and I cannot tell what the difference is.

Did you do a little remodelling or something?

OFF :-)

BTW - Your ad was very creative ... kudos!
Chevalier's Avatar
Although I've never met her and rarely read her ads, on a couple of occasions when I have, Charli Knox's ads also seemed to be above average in creativity.
OFF - Hah! Very nice. I think your version adds that extra something that really says "classy".
Chevalier's Avatar
Oh, and yes, the squirrel signed a model release form and has received ample compensation in the form of acorns, berries, and Twinkies. Originally Posted by Carrie Hillcrest
But . . . did you confirm that the squirrel had the legal right to work in this country?? After all, we don't want Canadian squirrels, coming into this country illegally in order to take jobs away from our own American squirrels!
  • OFF
  • 09-01-2009, 03:42 PM
OFF - Hah! Very nice. I think your version adds that extra something that really says "classy". Originally Posted by Carrie Hillcrest
No I wasn't thinking classy ... but rather savoir faire, ambiance ... but wait!

What version? I am not sure of what you speak, for as I have stated, I could not detect any noticeable difference!