Lock Her UP

With President Trump...let them both rot in hell.
With President Trump.... Originally Posted by Bonfirenut
Nobody's as bad as president Trump, compared with him even Nixon looked good.
jokacz's Avatar
jokacz's Avatar
PAOK's Avatar
  • PAOK
  • 01-26-2018, 12:39 AM
why lock up Hillary? Isn't that what General Flynn chanted? Did he not lie about dealings with countries which aren't exactly our allies? Why not lock him up? Much worse than Hillary ever did. Fucking Trolls got the best of you
Really - what about Bengazhi ?
lickidyclit's Avatar
To be honest I did indeed vote for Trump,it wasn't long after he took office and showing what an ass wipe he actually is I wish I could withdraw my vote,do you suppose if that were possible he would remain in office?
PAOK's Avatar
  • PAOK
  • 01-29-2018, 12:03 PM
Bengazhi? Please stop! Its tiring, 3 congressional hearings to hang her and nothing. I guess Tillerson is going to every embassy in the world to make sure the doors are secure. Isn't he the one that called Trump a moron? You elect a clown expect a circus.
lilylivered's Avatar
If a normal citizen did what see did over the years they would end up in jail for four hundred years case closed!!!
Ha ! Ha ! Ha ! Tiring - Dems lost ! Lock her up !