
I always stay in Clifton Park when I am in the area but for the first time I am considering a different suburb. I don’t know the area so would like advice on good suburbs to stay in. I do not like downtown and while it’s not a hard no, I am not really interested in staying on Wolf Road. Looking for a 3-4 star hotel. No motels, and somewhere that doesn’t have a lot of hobby traffic. Realistically, I know there’s a chance I’ll just wind up back in Clifton Park. If you have a specific hotel to reccomend, it is sometimes better to share it privately for discretion. Thank you and I’m looking forward to hearing some feedback :-)
TreeBark's Avatar
Watervliet Extension off Everett Road in Albany is generally quiet. Nice places as well.
Thank you. I always book third party (generally priceline) and since literally the only area I know at all is like 2.5 miles around my incall in Clifton Park, it is much easier for me to have a successful search if I know the name of the town. This is how all of the hotels are organized on third party sites.
Maybe SUNY area of Albany
Washington or Western Avenues.
Loki Pk's Avatar
I sent you a PM regarding local spots...
Let me know if you have questions.

I’m feeling the Albany love. Inbox is filled with suggestions. No one is this helpful in Upstate
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
I've never had any problems in the SUNY area or even in Downtown Albany. I stick to those...if it ain't broke . My last 2 visits I went the AirBnB route but generally try to stick to the 3-star or better hotels in those areas when I don't use AirBnB (or a similar site).
TreeBark's Avatar
You can run the hook out of my house, BBG. Of course, there's a Trade off. Lol
You can run the hook out of my house, BBG. Of course, there's a Trade off. Lol Originally Posted by TreeBark
Lol sure babe. Come see me on my trip coming up and we can discuss lol! Xoxo
TreeBark's Avatar
As long as you swallow like a good girl again!!

Lol sure babe. Come see me on my trip coming up and we can discuss lol! Xoxo Originally Posted by bustybabygirl
nygent65's Avatar
Thank you. I always book third party (generally priceline) and since literally the only area I know at all is like 2.5 miles around my incall in Clifton Park, it is much easier for me to have a successful search if I know the name of the town. This is how all of the hotels are organized on third party sites. Originally Posted by bustybabygirl
Malta Exit 12 north of CP has some newer hotels and is very suburban. Watervielt Ave is in Albany. Don't go there.
sin.di.vine's Avatar
I think the girls in upstate are very helpful.. I'm sorry you feel that way honey...
I have more personal friendships in Upstate than I do here so I get all the help I need. But in addition to this thread, I have received about 20 text/pm on this topic (all from men). I’m still sorting out the pros/cons of all of the reccomended spots. So no, Upstate does not have such an outpouring of help from hobbyists to girls.