Been a while since we’ve had a conversation.

imdown2's Avatar
How is everyone doing both providers and the gentlemen? Holidays are over and New Years resolutions are just as distant. Anything exciting going on here in the hobby or something you don’t have a problem disclosing? Paddy, any new adventures?
My SB rotation keeps me busy plus I'm a little MIA until Feb. Addison Scott wrapped up my Jan. with a big bow. It's gotta be a gem to be a review worthy experience and many of the SB's want to stay unknown.
There does look to be some great flavor traveling the State soon!! Plenty of options.
Hey guys. I’m a great traveling flavor. I just want to say that I am LOVING Birmingham just as much as I did on my last trip. I hear a lot of naysayers that go by what they hear or how their one experience here was years ago but my experiences have surpassed my expectations!

Everyone I have met has uplifting, positive energy and you can feel it all thoughout the city (well I’m technically in Hoover) Girls need to know that this is an upcoming area and lots of fun to have! There’s so many good restaurants to try. I have a long list and THE TREES out here literally bring life to the state! I absolutely LOVE the clean and fresh air!
dj8rocks's Avatar
The New Year is going pretty well so far, been busy with work and other commitments so I haven't had an opportunity for a session this year. Looks like my meeting travel schedule is going to pick up soon, that will give me a little more opportunity to make some selections.
imdown2's Avatar
For me I’m working on my next step in this process that brought me her so I’ve been busy myself. Kimber, I’m glad you like it here being from New Orleans I understand the clean air and the accents that some of the ladies from here have are amazing (I’m sure that’s the same for you)! Paddy, anytime you have recommendations, let me know I will gladly work to fulfill the list!
I am personally busy chasing that four legged whitetails, but I am starting to get into full rut myself lol. So come February 10 if not sooner the chasing of two legged variety will get started! Reading Paddy's last review really got me thinking of my upcoming hobby season
Cassie107's Avatar
My new year has started out as a blast. I celebrated my 1yr anniversary of my 1st Eccie review a few days ago. I want to thank everyone of you gentlemen who have made this last year wonderful and memorable. I'm hoping this year will be just as amazing if not more so and can't wait to meet more of you lovely ladies and wonderful gentlemen.
Cassie107's Avatar
I am personally busy chasing that four legged whitetails, but I am starting to get into full rut myself lol. So come February 10 if not sooner the chasing of two legged variety will get started! Reading Paddy's last review really got me thinking of my upcoming hobby season Originally Posted by Pounder
Mmm Pounder I love the thought of you in full rut!! As I promised I will be heading your way when deer season is over and you can do more than hunt this tail��
You guys and girls can be so naughty on this board. Lol. Seems like 2017 was a pretty good year for you all. A very good thing, let it carry on over into 2018. Let it be infectious. So much positive energy here and I LOVE IT �� Like a famous quote that has been said " What is done cannot be undone, to bed -to bed-to bed " ������
imdown2's Avatar
It’s the southern way war eagle! Positive vibes everywhere!
Mmm Pounder I love the thought of you in full rut!! As I promised I will be heading your way when deer season is over and you can do more than hunt this tail�� Originally Posted by Cassie107
Allin2day's Avatar
I've been somewhat MIA bc of work, so not much play/review time for me since November. I have some major build up and am going to need a release party here shortly. Headed to Huntsvegas, Mobile, Panhandle over the next week and a half for work with a final destination of Dallas for the week of Valentines (Confident I'm going to partake in a major eruption soon and celebrate Valentines with a Bang, lol!)

Ps, I need to get on that Paddy SB train, haha!
The winter is a down time for me, it's been many weeks since I've had the chance to partake. The bulk of my hobby time comes between May-August. I'll have the house all to myself during those months and I plan on cramming in a whole year's worth of playtime.
TiredofTinder's Avatar
Well, 3 months into the hobby and I'm pretty happy for the most part. In 3 months I've seen 2 of the 3 girls on my original hit list from the first time I found the site... twice. I'll get ahold of that Baby PSE package one day. lol

Last month or so has been a bit of a drag though with the exception of finally getting to meet miss cassie and partaking of that exceptional mouth. I finally heard from Baby to knock that 3rd name off the list but I already had booked with Addison.... which I got snowed out of. Then I had my appointment with Kimber to welcome her into town again and gave myself a hernia and had to cancel on that. =( It has been a shit month for luck. lol

On the other hand I've also been playing with some SB's. However I am about to let my main one go because, well, I may have just hit the sb lottery.... I MAY keep yall updated on that.... on the other hand, inciting a riot is a felony so...

Paddy, pick up your damn hobby phone. lol
The past few months have been crazy for me. I have been traveling a lot for work and family. The s/o has gotten suspicious so I had to lay low a little bit. I've got some trips coming up pretty soon (Montgomery, DC, Huntsville, Vegas, and will be in Mobile a good bit too). Hopefully, will be able to revamp my hobby time. Looking forward to finally meeting some of these awesome ladies I have heard so much about lately.