OK here's what it costs to operate a sailing yacht

loveitdou's Avatar
A while back I was more or less called out about operating a yacht...no offense taken , it is expensive. I just got my report from my accounting firm on the yacht, now this figure covers about 6 months and is then averaged out for a year. I won't go into each category of expense but will say that insurance is the one biggest single expense amounting to 24% of the annualized cost of 1.7 Million dollars. Now That is a small fraction of what a motor yacht of similar size would cost to operate.

So there it is and Yep I know who gives a shit, surely Not Me!

This should give the Haters a chance to Have a field day-not that I care.
dearhunter's Avatar
How much is a canoe?
You could have a hot modeling contest for the best Brazilian , bush, or waxed pussySir!?

dearhunter's Avatar
In a canoe?
Fuck a yacht. Fuck a canoe. Dinghies are the money boat.
Are you on lovesail.com or findacrew.net? Plenty of free naughty yachty on there.
loveitdou's Avatar

Originally Posted by YESMYSEXYMAAM!
Question will we be having a yacht party?

Well yes, In about a week I will have a day cruse with 4 lovelies. We'll sail roughly south of Rio to a secluded and deserted beach south of Sao Poulo. Where clothing will be banned. Well have lots of recorded music, dancing, playing (around) plenty to eat and drink. I am renting 2 nice tents which my crew will set up, what happens there is only up for speculation.

Other than that I am endeavoring to have a one on one (pun intended) yacht party every other day. I started out every day but it looks like that might kill me.

BTW Yes is my favorite word, I hear it all the time in RIO
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I applaud your success and excess. Well done sir.
eccieuser9500's Avatar


I had to steal this boat.

A while back I was more or less called out about operating a yacht...no offense taken , it is expensive. I just got my report from my accounting firm on the yacht, now this figure covers about 6 months and is then averaged out for a year. I won't go into each category of expense but will say that insurance is the one biggest single expense amounting to 24% of the annualized cost of 1.7 Million dollars. Now That is a small fraction of what a motor yacht of similar size would cost to operate.

So there it is and Yep I know who gives a shit, surely Not Me!

This should give the Haters a chance to Have a field day-not that I care. Originally Posted by loveitdou
I congratulate you on your success for sure but how disheartening that you've had enough success to afford a year round yacht but somehow still missing that self-esteem and confidence that requires back pats from random strangers on the internet. You didn't post this because you were called out. You posted this so you could say you spend 1.7 mil on your boat every year lol. Also, if you go out of your way to make sure we know you don't give a shit then we know its because you 100% do give a shit.

Not hating but that's depressing and proof that money apparently can't buy everything.
loveitdou's Avatar
YEP! What i said...

I was called out, told no way I even had the yacht even though the OP does not know me..
dearhunter's Avatar
Yep, lots of "yes" women in Brazil and Argentina.
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
If I was to win the Lotto I would lease a Yacht
with the hoist Male Crew I could get and sail the seven seas
for a year ... I'v known a few Yacht Owners over the years and seen what it takes to run it
I love the Ocean ...
  • pxmcc
  • 01-26-2018, 10:31 PM
Fuck the haters, loveitdou! Fucking spectacular, i say..

Question-are you answering the query, "If I had all the money I needed to do whatever the fuck I wanted, this is what I'd do?" I often ask myself that question; I usually come up with some combination of writing music, cycling, and fucking, mainly Greek style, the hottest chicks on the planet, many of whom happen to reside in...Brazil. An excellent choice, sir.

One more question. Have you had any close calls with Mother Nature? She's a bitch, and when she decides to fuck with us sorry ass mortals, it's a mothafuckin wrap..