Name of a provider movie?

ski-hog's Avatar
I'm trying to figure out the name of a movie that was probably made in the late 80's or early 90's? It was about providers in a apartment in NY and I just remember little clips of it from when I was a kid. It was funny how they talked about their johns and stuff and I would just like to watch it again now that I'm in that world and can relate a lot more to it than when I was a kid!!
Dr Grey's Avatar
These might be it? Pretty sure it was Working Girls. Takes place in NY. The others are great to watch too of folks are more acclimated to the hobby now then when first watching them. Especially Risky Bussiness.

Working Girls 1986
Night Shift 1982
Risky Business 1983
Pretty Woman 1990
ski-hog's Avatar
Yes, Working Girls! thats it thank you
guy fawkes's Avatar