It sux that e is going down. They will see how much of a public service they are doing when they wish we could self police... morons. I guess they think when they trash a site or close it down that us girls with a lot of reviews are out of business. No, it just makes it harder for newbies to stay safe. So, and as much as I hate to say it, they will have that mess to clean up and their allocations vs expenses gap is gonna narrow cause there is no more money to give them and newbies aren't established enough to pay BIG ASS fines so they have to house them, feed them, medicate them and make it to where they can never "quit" for stamping their record "criminal". Most voters don't want their tax payer dollars prioritized on us, most families (including wives) don't want their dirty laundry aired, most of the world supports us and the Catholic Church did too in this country til it became an election issue. It's suppose to be "seperation of church and state" anyway. Oh well, while girls are feeding their babies here, Big Brother is taking books and safe buildings from the kids to fund slapping Momma around like the man she left. Where is the justice in THAT? So yeah, let's jump from board to board trying to stay ahead of them and hopefully those restraining orders they offer us before we get here don't stop the bullets so we don't have to worry about it anymore (how most get here). In other words, they should be doing more to protect women from the things that land them here instead of making us unsafe here too. They don't ever want to interview me cause I have lived in both worlds and make my choice everyday; and I have the intelligence to make that choice; and I am articulate enough to explain my reasons why. I've never laid with a man that had had the capacity to put his hands on me but I have dealt with enough stupid shit and I am not to shallow to say that my tolerance level for stupidity is minimal at best. I'm not interested in trying to make a marriage work. I'm happy with my freedom. I'm sorry but I am having issues with these people not protecting girls but with a piece of paper. They should at least be funding schools better so the next generation isn't as frustrated but they prefer spending community dollars on shaming us for being the product of our environment and pretending that we don't have the capacity to be decent people while half of them got their favorite lil playmate too AND they turn a blind eye to themselves and their buddies. At least govern yourselves by example before you attempt to govern me with the dollars from my world. People cheat all the time for different reasons. Why does money make it dirtier? Is the girl who will fug ANYBODY for free better or smarter than me? UMMM, I THINK NOT! Is the girl who can't get laid happier than me? I THINK NOT! Is the lady in an unhappy marriage and staying together for her children lucky I send her man home with a smile on his face. HELL FUCKING YES! And I am happy to oblige and my decision will support my decision just like hers will fullfill hers. My mother ask me how I could not feel sorry for the wife. I told her "It's not my concern of why her husband is calling me. They got married, they have their issues and they need to work them out. Sometimes, we explain things to men and they go on to have happy marriages so where's my credit for that? Do you think it is possible that the best thing to happen to someone's marriage is that he spent time with me?" Well, Mom couldn't continue that discussion because so many believe us girl's will do anything for money and she has to either change that perception or accept my choice. She would rather me go marry someone with a lot of money but THAT is beneath me. I feel it's deceiptful and shameless; and NO MAN deserves THAT. She feels like "NO WOMAN DESERVES THIS". I told her we could go on Jerry Springer as long as she was willing to discuss how many male escorts there are and how many wives are doing THIS.
Thoughts? Experiences? I would love for one of you trolling LEs, wives or reporters to respond and hash this out with me. I will warn you that my head is bigger than any balloon or needle that you choose to try to bust it with... lol, so calling me names and labeling me will not be your most succesful argument. It all comes down to the paper society slaps me with is the same paper that doesn't protect me or any woman. Fix that. Fix the violence then we can cry over spilt milk and the paper they call divorce- cause I have had mine and it is what it is for all of us. He cheated, I left and nobody cares except to talk about shameful him and poor me. Well, thanks for that support... pffft! What should I do to fill the empty void of having a man and partner to pay these bills? Well, I now have trust issues like most women but I don't share their tolerence for relationship drama and i like my freedom. Oh wait, I do like the attention of a man but not to the point I will go to a public place, meet a stranger I know nothing about and let him take advantage of me through lies and deceipt. Oh hell no. I prefer a man who is honest enough to say he's in a relationship and not happy way more than one that lies to me. That doesn't get me away from my marital experience at all and I don't like roller coasters. I prefer a man who says "I can't court you and I have nothing to offer you except to increase the quality of your life if you will increase the quality of mine".
Everybody should watch the movie Middle Men. The ending makes my point extremely well and it's a true story! It's about when porn hit the internet and they tried to shut it down til they were faced with their own credit card statements for being on the sites.
When girl monkeys stop pleasing boy monkeys and boy monkeys quit appreciating them with part of their banana or supply of bananas then I will believe humans are not animals too. Until then, like all the other negative labeling our country is so well known for, I will label the labelers as insecure yourself and suggest you work on your issues. And here some food for thought, what if the girl monkeys had all the bananas? What if I had a bunch of bananas and you were hungry? Would you be nice to me? Maybe do some things to make me happy and make me wanna do things for you? Wait a minute, am I talking about marriage. Maybe so since that is what we ALL want is just to be nice to one another and share. If everyone was nice to each other and shared, there wouldn't be a hobby so laws should be against being an asshole or a bitch and a good place to start is with the ones that are violent. Tell me how I am wrong? And don't even get me started on jailing people who don't have insurance when there was no accident with spectacular damage or injuries involved. Unnecessary patroling when you are needed for necessary patroling should be a serious crime for misuse of government funds. It's the law, you say? Tell that to the girls they burned at the stake in Winston Salem.
Here's the ironic thing... no cop, wife or reporter is gonna answer cause THEY want to maintain THEIR discretion to meet THEIR purpose. No different than me!