Hildabeast Gives Lame Ass Excuse For Her Sheltering Sexual Predator


This hag has no shame. Click on the link and read her "explanation" as to why she did not fire this guy.

The best bit of tripe is her saying....."I decided to separate him from her". No you didn't, bitch, you separated her from him. He kept his job, she was shuffled away.

And the big kicker, Strider was accused of the same behavior at a later job.

Hillary. Still a despicable, lying, money grubbing, SEXUAL PREDATOR ENABLING BITCH.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-31-2018, 09:46 PM
She sure helped the current sexual predator get elected in 2016!
And this, from that bastion of "Vote for me, cause i have a vagina"..
StandinStraight's Avatar

This hag has no shame. Click on the link and read her "explanation" as to why she did not fire this guy.

The best bit of tripe is her saying....."I decided to separate him from her". No you didn't, bitch, you separated her from him. He kept his job, she was shuffled away.

And the big kicker, Strider was accused of the same behavior at a later job.

Hillary. Still a despicable, lying, money grubbing, SEXUAL PREDATOR ENABLING BITCH. Originally Posted by Jackie S
The republican party of ************* led by President pussy grabber and **************** Donald trump have zero credibility to criticize anyone about anything sexual. Hillary and Bill Clinton are sexually pure like angels from heaven, compared to anything or anyone republican now that republicans are the party that condones and supports *******************
pyramider's Avatar
The republican party of ************* led by President pussy grabber and **************** Donald trump have zero credibility to criticize anyone about anything sexual. Hillary and Bill Clinton are sexually pure like angels from heaven, compared to anything or anyone republican now that republicans are the party that condones and supports ******************* Originally Posted by StandinStraight
Wrong perfesser. Trump did what he did as a private citizen. The Clintons did their's as elected, or appointed, officials. That is a big difference. Same with Al Franken, his photo with Tweeden was when he was a private citizen. He did nothing inappropriate as a Senator.
StandinStraight's Avatar
Wrong perfesser. Trump did what he did as a private citizen. The Clintons did their's as elected, or appointed, officials. That is a big difference. Same with Al Franken, his photo with Tweeden was when he was a private citizen. He did nothing inappropriate as a Senator. Originally Posted by pyramider
Oh so if you sexually abuse women ********** as a private citizen that’s ok with the Republican Party, is that the part I don’t get?

Man you deplorables are deplorable !
DocHolyday's Avatar
SS. Reading your rants on here, I find you are a “deplorable.”
JCM800's Avatar
SS, with a topic such as this let's remember to leave the underage references out of the discussion.
LexusLover's Avatar
bamscram's Avatar
Hillary was hoping he would hit on her if she didn't fire him.
pyramider's Avatar
Oh so if you sexually abuse women ********** as a private citizen that’s ok with the Republican Party, is that the part I don’t get?

Man you deplorables are deplorable ! Originally Posted by StandinStraight

I did not mention forbidden parties. You are deplorable and an embarrassment to the education community.
The republican party of ************* led by President pussy grabber and **************** Donald trump have zero credibility to criticize anyone about anything sexual. Hillary and Bill Clinton are sexually pure like angels from heaven, compared to anything or anyone republican now that republicans are the party that condones and supports ******************* Originally Posted by StandinStraight
SS: Do you want politicians who do not like sex with women?