Apology for Drama

Hey everyone. I wanted to apologize to the board for taking the troll bait over the last few days and engaging in board drama. It would be foolish of me to say it won’t happen again, so instead I’ll simply say that I’ll try to do better. I know the ignore button is my friend in that regard and I had been using it to good effect for some time but that “view post” button is a little too tempting to click sometimes. I wish we had the option to remove the temptation.

I know not everyone will believe this, but I truly don’t enjoy drama and conflict, and when there is legitimate conflict I prefer to handle it privately. I haven’t always done a great job of that myself, I realize, even outside of the troll situations.

What I do enjoy is trying to make this board a more fun, thought-provoking, and helpful place, and interacting positively with a really cool and awesome bunch of people that I never would have met except for this wonderful thing we call the hobby. I realize that engaging in drama promotes the opposite of these things. I’d rather be a guy who gets along with everyone and ignores those who have an agenda to promote discord. Unfortunately the heat of the moment gets the better of me sometimes and I don’t always live up to my best self that I want to be here. Mea culpa.

bluffcityguy's Avatar
Hey everyone. I wanted to apologize to the board for taking the troll bait over the last few days and engaging in board drama. It would be foolish of me to say it won’t happen again, so instead I’ll simply say that I’ll try to do better. I know the ignore button is my friend in that regard and I had been using it to good effect for some time but that “view post” button is a little too tempting to click sometimes. I wish we had the option to remove the temptation. Originally Posted by SpankyJ
Oh, hell. If y'all shitcan the drama where am I going to go for entertainment?

As for the "view post" temptation... I've never really experienced that. When I've clicked that link for the many (33 and still growing) people on my ignore list, it's only been to see if their response to a thread is the same or substantially similar to the response I'm contemplating to make in a thread. If my ignoree has said the same thing I want to say, I just don't say it (no need to say what's already been said). So "View post" does serve a useful purpose; you just have to let go the temptation to view an ignoree's post just to satisfy your idle curiosity.

It gets easier with practice.


Sweet! I have been awarded a gold star for this post! Lol.
Parttimehobbyist's Avatar
Practice being more chill and laid back. Don't take the bait. Be zen.

Also, I feel providers on here should work more on empowering and uplifting each other rather than bring each other down. Same goes for my fellow hobbyists. We're all in this together.
Practice being more chill and laid back. Don't take the bait. Be zen.

Also, I feel providers on here should work more on empowering and uplifting each other rather than bring each other down. Same goes for my fellow hobbyists. We're all in this together. Originally Posted by Parttimehobbyist
You could not have said it better!!! Exactly what he said!!! As a Provider, I always try to make sure what I post in the threads are positive comments. If I cannot find something nice to say, then I simply move on to the next post without commenting. I know how it feels to be critiqued with negativity and it is not something I enjoy. As the good ole saying goes and if only everyone would live by it, treat others the way you want to be treated!!!

Spanky, you are a very sweet guy and such a gentleman!!! The negative ones on the Hobby sites are not worth your time. Anyone who purposely logs in to start drama are not worth your time and frankly, they are the ones who need the life. Block them, ignore them, that’s the best thing you can do... not give in on the shit pot they are stirring!! Keep being the wonderful person you are!!!! XOXO
Spoken like a true Gentleman my friend.
Warden639's Avatar
What I do enjoy is trying to make this board a more fun, thought-provoking, and helpful place, and interacting positively with a really cool and awesome bunch of people that I never would have met except for this wonderful thing we call the hobby. I realize that engaging in drama promotes the opposite of these things. I’d rather be a guy who gets along with everyone and ignores those who have an agenda to promote discord. Unfortunately the heat of the moment gets the better of me sometimes and I don’t always live up to my best self that I want to be here. Mea culpa.

Spanky Originally Posted by SpankyJ
Spanky, you seem like a classy guy.

Sometimes we don't live up to our own standards very well...I had quite a lesson in that last year. But looking around at how many of the currently active threads you originally started and how you've gone out of your way to give advice to newbies, I can tell you're striving, and this board would be a worse place without you.

Also, I'm not sure anyone else would feel I need to apologize--I think I had precisely zero impact on anything--but I kind of do...I posted in every one of those Drama threads, either "for the lulz" or just wanting to feel involved as a newcomer. I could have just been quietly amused from a distance, or better yet, started something upbeat like Vannah (not that I have lingerie pics, or that anyone would want to see them, lol).
I apologize for taking the drama bait, as well! Although the poem was kind of silly and fun. I do enjoy being a goofball occasionally. I have to admit I was giggling like a school girl.
I apologize for taking the drama bait, as well! Although the poem was kind of silly and fun. I do enjoy being a goofball occasionally. I have to admit I was giggling like a school girl. Originally Posted by Ginger Doll

Sweet! I have been awarded a gold star for this post! Lol. Originally Posted by SpankyJ
hot Originally Posted by notequiteatroll
Thank you!
Danielle Reid's Avatar
Practice being more chill and laid back. Don't take the bait. Be zen.

Also, I feel providers on here should work more on empowering and uplifting each other rather than bring each other down. Same goes for my fellow hobbyists. We're all in this together. Originally Posted by Parttimehobbyist

One of the reasons I don't post as much as I used to. I cut ties with narcissistic/toxic people on this board and I'm much happier and less stressed that way.
WMJ4657's Avatar
SpankyJ great post as said above we all come up short some times & get drawn in.

I would just like to say that a lot of times SpankyJ passes on very helpful info that should be heeded. He is knowledgeable & is able to say things that some are not able to say. He has insightful instincts that can help all stay safe.

So SpankyJ thanks for being that conduit for us all
Dahlia Doll's Avatar

One of the reasons I don't post as much as I used to. I cut ties with narcissistic/toxic people on this board and I'm much happier and less stressed that way. Originally Posted by Danielle Reid

One of the reasons I don't post as much as I used to. I cut ties with narcissistic/toxic people on this board and I'm much happier and less stressed that way. Originally Posted by Danielle Reid
+1 Originally Posted by Dahlia Doll
I hear ya P, Providers have an especially challenging time here I think because getting involved in drama can cost them business. Unfortunately that makes a lot of them not post or not post much because they're afraid of being attacked and drawn into it. It really is a shame since this is supposed to be a venue for clients and escorts to interact directly with each other. I do enjoy the interaction with them and wish more would post but I understand why they don't.