liberia's president

dilbert firestorm's Avatar

new president of liberia talks about making Liberia great again.

in his speech, he talks about following the constitution and making government more transparet and effective to its people and he also talks about updating it as well. He said parts of it was racists. Blacks can only be citizens and blacks can only only own property. in short, their constitution discriminated against whites and foreigners!!!

Since the founding of this country in 1847, more than 170 years ago, there have been certain restrictions on citizenship and property ownership that – in my view – have become serious impediments to the development and progress of this country. These restrictions include the limitation of citizenship only to black people, the limitation of property ownership exclusively to citizens, and the non-allowance of dual citizenship.

Limitation of Citizenship Only to Black People

The framers of the 1847 constitution may have had every reason and justification to include these restrictions in that historic document. In their own words, and I quote:
“The great object of forming these colonies, being to provide a home for the dispersed and oppressed children of Africa, and to regenerate and enlighten this benighted continent, none but persons of color shall be admitted to citizenship in this republic.”

They, as freed slaves, were fleeing from the oppressive yoke of slavery imposed upon them by white slave owners. They therefore wanted Liberia to be “…a refuge and a haven for freed men of color”, and so they restricted citizenship only to black people.

This may have been appropriate for the 19th century, and for the threats and conditions that existed at that time.

looks like he wants to make this country more open.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
FYI, Liberia was an unofficial American colony for settling freedman and freed black slaves. Liberia was never a territory of America. the country remained unrecognized by america until 1862.
NoTell's Avatar
You mean OPRAH and broke ass WHOOPI have not made Liberia GREAT AGAIN!!!??
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
You mean OPRAH and broke ass WHOOPI have not made Liberia GREAT AGAIN!!!?? Originally Posted by NoTell
I doubt those 2 clowns would move to liberia after they went thru 2 devastating civil wars.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Back before Mugabe took over, Zimbabwe was a food center of Africa. The left wing, national socialist strongman dictator forced white farmers to flee the country. The land was divided among people who didn't know how to farm and Zimbabwe was forced to import food for years. Don't worry about Robert though, he got a piece of the action for every vegetable sold on the international market. What? You thought that the food produced would go to the people? No, Bob won't hear of that. Anyway, now that Bobbie is gone, they are inviting white farmers back into the country with the promise of 99 leases.
Gee. I wonder if there was a country that had as part of its constitution, ONLY Whites can be citizens, and only citizens can own property, how much outrage there would be.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Gee. I wonder if there was a country that had as part of its constitution, ONLY Whites can be citizens, and only citizens can own property, how much outrage there would be. Originally Posted by garhkal
there used to be such a country... South Africa & Rhodesia (Zimbabwe)

however, only citizens owning property is common throughout the planet.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
yer very late dipshit on a stick!