Gifts for Providers

This might be a dumb question but does anyone ever buy clothing or lingerie for providers?
Definitely not a dumb question. I know the ladies feel extra special when we get gifts, especially clothes.

One of my long time regulars/friend, started to give me extra so I can buy a dress and wear it for him when we go out to dinner. We went to III Forks last month, and I will be looking for another dress for this month for another dinner date.

Other hobby friends give gift cards so they don't get the wrong sizes lol
Grace Preston's Avatar
Gift cards are pretty common-- nothing crazy, just enough to get a particular outfit or trinket. Every now and then I'll get a crazy gift, but those are rare.

Ultimately the only present required is your presence.
GiovaniDosSantos's Avatar
I ain't got time for that shit.
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
If you give something to a provider, do so because of the warm fuzzy it gives you to do something nice for someone, not because you expect, or even hope, for anything more than a perfunctory, "Thank you."
DallasRain's Avatar
gifts are never asked for but ALWAYS appreciated!

I like it when gents get me a gift catered to my tastes listed on my showcase.

I just had a sweet Houston gent gift me an awesome gold snowglobe with a gold skull in it and gold flakes in the water!
Hercules's Avatar
I like Amazon wishlists. Can sit on my ass, get a lady a little something-something and have it shipped straight to her. Or it gives me an idea of what she likes and I can get it on my own too. Ladies, remember to make your shipping address confidential if you do make a Amazon wish list.
sin.di.vine's Avatar
Definetly not a dumb question!!
Grace your reply.. very well spoken.. perfect accually!!
I noticed that during the holidays gift cards became more prevalent with me and the girls that work for me..I
enjoyed my gift cards.. there is also a gentleman in Upstate New York who brings a bag of lingerie still in wrappers of course.. and we are allowed to pick one this man is very smart because he has two or three girls around a bag of lingerie course we're trying them on and telling each other that they look really really good and he just sits and smiles..
Smart man!! Lol
Laura Lynn's Avatar
As others have said, gifts are never expected but they are always appreciated. I've received, toys, lingerie, sandals, stockings....and I love them all.

If not sure on a ladies size, a gift card always fits. Gift cards are great. That way she can pick out her style/color/size. Then when you return, she can wear it for you.

Once I had a beautiful hot pink bra/panty set from VS given to me, probably about 4 or 5 years ago. It was beautiful and I was super excited to try it on for my friend. I still smile when I see it.
sin.di.vine's Avatar
That dental floss looking outfit in my showcase was a gift!!!
From smart man with a bag of tricks!!!

See not a stupid question at all!!
I've got a client who is the chef for well...... and he brings me the best food to eat.
I have received jewelry, perfume, flowers, lingerie, toys, dinners, pedi's and mani's, shoes, liquor, gift cards and a couple of weekend get aways. I have been fortunate to make some amazing friends in the hobby. Gifts are never expected but always so much appreciated. It's so kind and thoughtful when someone takes the time to go out of their way to make you feel special.
HoustonRiley's Avatar
To me it's the best when we shop for it together.
You get the best fit.
And best visuals.
sin.di.vine's Avatar
Oh Tara!! I'm with you..I love when a client brings me food!! I received a fruit basket recently... and he received what I call " fun with food!!"..
Smart man was all covered with oranges..!! Very fun event!!!
sin.di.vine's Avatar
Oh Tara!! I'm with you..I love when a client brings me food!! I received a fruit basket recently... and he received what I call " fun with food!!"..
Smart man was all covered with oranges..!! Very fun event!!!