SBC Dead

Dead around here this weekend. There was a cute girl coming from DFW but holding up due to weather there. Hopefully locals are banging it out and making some money.
I had tried to help a couple of BP locals sign up on eccie but they are being flakes. I guess that BP business is good. Too risky for my taste and a crap shoot. I played that game years ago but way to crazy now.
Keep the locals busy guys or they may leave.
Happy hunting.
Tesla101's Avatar
I’ve made it into town hun! Looking forward to meeting a few new friends.
Tesla101's Avatar
I’ve made it into town hun! Looking forward to meeting a few new friends.
Meredith's Avatar
I have to agree, Harley. I'm getting ready to hit the road pretty quick.
I think the weather is a contributor to the quiet around here.
MajicPlayground's Avatar
Don't come to Little Rock lol...been same here, cancellations and changes and I've only been here since yesterday lol. Thinking I may head to ft worth tmrw for the rest of the week
I have heard from some that weather played a part. Thank you ladys for doing your part and staying positive for us.
LehaLea's Avatar
It’s no better over here in Arlington
GMTA's Avatar
  • GMTA
  • 02-14-2018, 02:46 AM
One reason it's slow in Shreveport is the last 2 weeks have been Mardi Gras peeps to busy with that . That's all out of the way now, I guarantee nobody is giving up pussy or the hobby for Lent.
GMTA's Avatar
  • GMTA
  • 02-14-2018, 02:50 AM
I'll be happy when this cold weather is over bad for my psoriasis
Cowboyup is coming home! And He is horny! Pickins been slim up in the mountains. Ponderosa is ‘pussyville’ soon.
Meredith's Avatar
The weather—I agree —is a big part of it. cancel Groundhog’s such a letdown to hear there is 6 more weeks of crappy cold weather.

I say we kill Puxatony Phil, the bastard.
drinkindreamin's Avatar
"I say we kill Puxatony Phil, the bastard." LOL! I know right! No offence to the viewing audience but I wouldn't make a good Yankee. Ill take a day hot as Hades over ICE and Snow any day or at least that's the way I feel until July gets here. I will say freezing cold days do spark my libido and leave me looking for the warmth of a woman and a soft place to fall. A freezing ICE day takes my mind back to the first experience in the hobby 8yrs ago. I so wished I had had a lil more experience in the hobby when I met that beautiful lady that day. As far me I've somewhat taken a leave of absents from the hobby since Oct for several different reasons. I know several of my acquaintances have as well, from conflicts of interest that comes with the nature of the business. Hope you have a Happy Valentines Day!
I hate any weather below 60. I love being outside and if it is 100 that is fine with me. I love to sweat as it gives me energy and gets my blood boiling. Cold weather depresses me and makes me just want to stay in and read which is boring as hell but you do what you do.
Golf is my passion, riding harleys is my thrills, and meeting fine young ladies that enjoy time with me keeps me going for more.
I will stop when my body has died and I cannot drag myself out to go another round.
Happy Valentines Day to the wonderful ladies that have supplied me with hours of loving and conversation and some dinner outings.
May we all live to be a hundred and die putting our cloths back on after a session of wild and wet fun.
Cassmann's Avatar
Bout time you got you old ass back to SBC... I know the locals all missed ya
MajicPlayground's Avatar
Whoop whoop....Cowboy is Cummin Home!!! Will be good to see ya....maybe get a lil bull ridin in

And because I'm a Yankee AND I'm from Pennsylvania....y'all it's Punxsutawney Phil....yeah yeah, I can't spell half y'all's towns either lol. And for the love of Phil, cut the poor thing some slack, he's a rodent, not a meteorologist

Y'all have a happy Commercial Flower and Candy day
