You lying cocksucker, I've said I read "The Black Swan" by Taled (sic) and seen two stupid movies by d'Sousa. I've never read a book from that propagandist.
Originally Posted by WTF
So what is the main thesis of Taleb's book? Is Tarana Burke a black swan?
D'souza's books are fiction meant to make their author money with callous disregard for the truth.
Originally Posted by WTF
For someone who doesn't read and only goes to movies, you sure presume to make incredibly ignorant, sweeping blanket statements. You don't say which specific parts of which specific d'Souza books are fiction and explain why. Instead, you dismiss EVERYTHING in ALL of them. And then you come back and admit you've never read any of them!
You're a fucking joke! And a fraud! And a MORONIC BUFFOON!