Body wrap...way cool

Today I was having my hair done and someone mentioned a body wrap and although I watch what I eat and work out there are areas I want to improve just like everyone does so I decided what the hell. So I had one done on my tummy and while you should leave it on for 90 min I only had 45 min and within that time i lost one inch and when the wrap was removed you massage the cream into you stomach or area and than go back in 72 hours and get repeat for 4 times and there are added supplements and alot of cool things to use in addition to excercise and healthy diet although give me soda up??? Not ready for down side is I had to drink more water (yuck) and I can feel my tummy cool or so I think..Has anyone else had one before? Also have to admit the saran wrap gave me a few ideas...wicked laugh...
PAPA JOE's Avatar
IV, i have a body wrap for you ...... ME !!!!
44formore's Avatar
never had a body wrap but I have up soda and am used to it now. I have my 30" waist back. I put lemon in my water to reduce the ick... I'm also a firm believer in massage (I'm a CMT) -- once a month -- weather i need it or not.