So what's next?
My Hollywood friends have long told me that the war in Afghanistan is the one worth fighting. Now the turd is in their lap. that OBL career is finished is it all over?
Pack up. Go home. War's over?
Does bt have nothing left to focus on?
What do you Cats think?
Originally Posted by Jack Cassidy
Jack, Jack, Jack...what kind of cigarettes are you smoking these days?
The whole bash "Bushie" thing was just a convenient ruse. The anointed one is using every trick in the playbook that they bashed in the Demomedia to deafening silence. Close Gitmo down? Rescinded! Hold "detainees" without charges? Check! Predator strikes with collateral damage? In spades! Waterboarding? Well if you look close enough (but please don't) we still haven't given it up! Invade sovereign nations? Bingo! Put American Citizens on Kill lists without trial? Yeppers and no ACLU! Troop build ups? SHHHHH! Military action against a Middle East Nation? Whoops! With Congress "approval" after 60 days? Double Whoops! Let that evil Patriot act lapse? Did we do that-NOT!
I wonder if Biden has shot a lawyer in the face with a shotgun accidentally.
BT smiley's added for poor comic effect: