You realize how old you are when ..
1. Trying to study for an technical certification and you don't learn as quickly as you did in the past
2. Returning to the gym after a 6 months lay off and everything hurts after 2 days.
You find out how few people around you remember the pop culture highlights of your youth. Originally Posted by JdeHogMy RL job requires me to work with 20-somethings on a regular basis, and in casual conversation the pop culture references I make have gone right over their heads, to the point now where I usually preface them with a statement like "You're probably not old enough to remember..."
Getting bifocals (or I guess they call them progressive lenses or something these days). Had them for a few years now. Originally Posted by SpankyJBifocals (or even trifocals) have the line(s) and the very visible areas where the lenses differ. You don't see classic bifocals as much anymore, but they're still around because IIRC they're cheaper than progressive lenses.