Does anyone think?

sofiaofhouston's Avatar
Prostitution will ever be legalized in Texas and regulated so we don't have so many incidents with pimps abusing ladies? It's not like the state does not need the tax dollars? California legalized Marijuana. Would Texas ever have a party and a leader in this effort to legalize and regulate? Vice could actually go after human trafficking and not willing adults. I just wonder how many ladies would be on public assistance if it were not for this thing we do? It's a win/win in so many ways. What are your thoughts?
No, we thinck.
The G.O.A.T's Avatar
WTF?! Is that a serious question? That'll never happen, even if I had a Genie with three wishes.
oilfieldscum's Avatar
Are you kidding? And I don't thinck mary jane is legal in California.
  • LynnT
  • 05-30-2011, 10:31 PM
You can say the M word on the Houston board? Upstate would have that bleeped out in red prohibitive subject. lol

Wont happen, same in NY..
Meoauniaea's Avatar
The better question you think?
Why is everyone so against freedom? It is an intelligent question. The Texas legislature caved into the TSA and they will continue to allow legalized sexual assaults on unsuspecting passengers, and the government needs money and LOVES to regulate and control lives.

If the Republicans quit trying to legislate morality on people, it is possible as well.
If the budget gets any worse, we might have a chance, just not with a republican governoir
inctown's Avatar
I think it is not a question of should it but will it. I think it is hard to ever think that a state with Dry counties will ever legalize the hobby.
sofiaofhouston's Avatar
Gambling machines have been legalized and regulated for cash pay outs. No one thought that would ever happen. It did. In California the M word is legal with a medical card. This just seems like a logical answer to an ongoing "problem". Vice recources could really go after the people who kidnap the underage girls and ladies who are trafficked. It's not like their jobs would go away. It would just change up a bit.

The question is who would take up such a controversial cause? Willie Nelson is taking up the M word....Who would be out politico that is brave enough to take this on?
texasjohn1965's Avatar
WTF?! Is that a serious question? That'll never happen, even if I had a Genie with three wishes. Originally Posted by The G.O.A.T
It is a legitimate question. Unfortunately, the OP is an ass clown, and has destroyed any credibility she has ever had. Any idea put forward by her, no matter how good, will always be tarnished by her past. She is the hobby version of Charlie Manson.
sofiaofhouston's Avatar
A question is a question no matter what YOU think of the person who asks it! If you have something valid to add to the question without being rude please do so. Not doing so shows your asshat to the public! It's a shame you can't address a question without name calling. That shows more about your character than it does mine.

So if you will please stay on topic and contribute to this thread with valid information while not interjecting your personal thoughts on me. I'm flattered but please stay on the topic.

So do you think this will one day be something we can one day do without hiding and all the pressures put on providers? If so I wonder who would be the politico to take up such a risky cause?
simpleton's Avatar
I think it will about the same time Sofia offers a discounted gfe session with cim. She seems to always have a mouthful...
sofiaofhouston's Avatar
Your so much better at it Simple one...I hear you swallow.

You guys can't seem to stay on topic can you? It's not a difficult task. Again this was not about me. This is a question you can't seem to contribute to. If you can't offer your opinion on the topic please refrain from typing. Yes I hit the RTM! Now please stay on topic!

You have the opportunity to post your view on a valid topic and you pick me? I'm not going to Austin with any picket signs anytime soon so let's focus on all the things we never thought would be made legal and now are.
simpleton's Avatar
Sofia, I will explain my answer so a freshman in high school can understand it.

I think it will be a very long time before Texas evnr considers changing the law. It's not going to happen in my lifetime. I could be wrong but I think it will be a very long time if ever that you offer a full blown gfe experience for a dicounted rate. That includes taking a mouthful. Now do you see the connection?

I'm not sure why you hit the mod button for my post. But I didn't mean any disrespect. I meant that in the nicest way possible. Please drink a couple glasses of wine and relax. It's not always about you.