please delete my oops

Heidi.Fly's Avatar
Hey y’all, I am so sorry to be bringing up stupid shit, but I was just trying to get my ad for the weekend lineup ready and I accidentally hit some hot key I don’t know about because it posted. Maybe I hit save, I don’t know, but I didn’t mean to. See, I’m still about 20min early to place it on the right day. Could you please delete the OOPS? Please and Thank You.
Again, very sorry.

Here’s a link:

I also sent an email.
Hi Heidi, I'm not a mod but I can suggest a quick and easy way to take care of "oops" like that is to use the RTM button in the red triangle on your "oops" ad. Even though you're not reporting serious issues, by using the RTM button, a message to goes to every mod, not just one so it's more likely to be taken care of sooner and they always have the correct post. In the popup reporting box, you have room to explain as you did already.

Just a thought, hope you have a good weekend!