Its fine that he did it in public. It gave her a chance to respond and he had an apology thread about her a week ago. Then he went full moron again and keeps starting new threads. When a guy openly critisizes a girl he opens himself up to a response, fair or not. But, he has done about everything possible to give himself a red flag from any objective person.
His past 2 weeks can be summarized like this.
On 2-7 he claims "bad stories" about her including her boyfriend is out to get guys she is with
On 2-10 he writes a review saying she basically screwed him out of $400. He states in his review he saw her on 2-8 so after his claim her boyfriend is out to get you.
On 2-13 he starts what is basically an apology thread saying he was mad and admits to lying about the amount of money lost ($200) and more
On 2-23 I assume he was trying to imply bbfs. Maybe just that you had to bring a couple dollars worth of condoms.
He has admitted to lying and contradicted himself multiple times. He has been at it for weeks now so I honestly think this guy needs help and that trusting anything he says is pretty dumb.