Not many reviews

I'm interested in seeing this provider...Anyone have information for melanin1111monroe?
She's so damn expensive I honestly don't know anyone who's seen her
offshoredrilling's Avatar

only 1 review
should this be in ISO ?
pikelbouldershoulder's Avatar
Someone must be seeing her, or I would assume she'd either
A. Quit the hobby and get a real job
B. Lower her prices
C. Move to an area that can support what she's asking
She's a great-looking woman to be sure. Maybe she has more reviews on oThER sites?
She might just be part time and not really in need of that much business.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
looking at showcase & profile reading posts mmmm
Well politicians don't review
may only lurk but if a member of icky do not post much if at all.
And Albany is full of politicians most the time

when ROC had bars known for play hookups, I have seen politicians.
politicians are from state wide in Albany. So if ya saw one in a bar would ya know it. unless from Albany area. ?

So in fact could be getting more than asking rate. posted

Rochester area guy I will not give handle/s, moved to another part of state. Then LOL became a politician state level. Reviews stopped first, then posting at all. But seems to still log on. mmmmmmmm LOL
when visits ROC well I have seen him at party's/M&Gs
(parts may or not been change like from n where now)
( as I don't need the ban right now & he does not need the SHMB press)

Not exactly his type being she mixed. But I can see him chasing her.
  • TSlyC
  • 02-25-2018, 07:51 AM
Pricing in the hobby is so interesting to me. I suppose I just have a mental block regarding pricing since I just can't imagine paying $400/hr. I know many of these women are amazing, but I just can't imagine what would be provided in one hour that would be worth that price.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Pricing in the hobby is so interesting to me. I suppose I just have a mental block regarding pricing since I just can't imagine paying $400/hr. I know many of these women are amazing, but I just can't imagine what would be provided in one hour that would be worth that price. Originally Posted by TSlyC
My first post in this I gave link to showcase
click on it, then click her name, that will take you to profile.
click on Statistics tab, then find all posts by
look at where posted and what forum for all her posts
note: right click first on some for new tab

While doing that here is a song ta listen to

then tell me what ya think
  • TSlyC
  • 02-25-2018, 05:45 PM
As usual, I can't understand you, my provider loving friend. Her posts are spread out across a variety of regions. Or is it that it's Boston, DC and NYC you think would "require" that rate? I've seen providers in all three and that's still not a "normal" rate.

My first post in this I gave link to showcase
click on it, then click her name, that will take you to profile.
click on Statistics tab, then find all posts by
look at where posted and what forum for all her posts
note: right click first on some for new tab

While doing that here is a song ta listen to

then tell me what ya think Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
offshoredrilling's Avatar
all ads not one post
silence is golden for one that has to/something ta hide
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
Pretty girl. I see her on p411 and see her more on TER than here (she has 8 over there). And according to both she's still Albany based. Most of her TER reviews took place in the Albany area but she's visited my base (D.C.) once or twice. 400hr isn't that weird lol like...before I began touring Upstate NY 2 providers who recommended it to me were like 300-350hr at the time. So...*shrugs*. Browsing P411 for Albany/Saratoga 300-350hr looks pretty normal. And there's like 2 locals besides Melanin that are 400hr.
August Black's Avatar
all ads not one post
silence is golden for one that has to/something ta hide Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
She actually created a thread offering appointment location help for other VPs in the area. She seems to be a low-key provider and even if she isn’t super active on the site the same can be said about a lot of gents and ladies. But my oh my is that lady FINE!!