Bad Experience!!??? SMH...

Is it just me or any of you ladies experiencing this as well? So recently I've had a guy that came to see me use the fact that he's an eccie member to try and intimidate me into doing more for him for fear that he might write a bad review basically I had someone that came to see me for a B&G he tried to tell me that he didn't have a good time and wanted me to make up for it by letting him have full service no extra cost sorry but I didn't allow it. I'm pretty accommodating and a really sweet girl and I always try to have the best time because I do enjoy each and everyone of the guys that come to see me. But this is just unfair!! How do I defend myself when the bad review gets wrote ?? Because you know the whole story isn't going to get told?? I'm finding this very unfair also not the first time this has happened to me something kind of similar has happened before... Am I the only one experiencing this or has anyone else had to deal with this as well?/FONT] My motto is this... if you're good to someone they will be good to you... just wish everyone acted this way then there wouldn't be any problems or misunderstandings. Anyhow I hope everyone has a wonderful day and don't be misled by what someone says until you get both sides of the story.
i say F him, but dont really F him anymore lol. Put him in your personal ban list. If he write a bad review so what you have alot of good reviews. As long as the good reviews greatly out weigh the bad then your good. I know that everybody wont be happy cause everybody different and there going some stupid assholes out there that think your just a sex toy and not a person too. Also is this kind of work there will a few sickos that will pop up too. Just keep up the good work your doing great and also protect yourself.
whitetail123's Avatar
The hell with him just look at all the great reviews, just sound he was wanting something for nothing
Thanks guys I appreciate all the love and support...I make mental notes of the bad but I've got one for Good As Well ;-)
Kelticwind's Avatar
You allow your stellar reputation speak for its self, most guys who read reviews take them as an agrigate. A girl with 1 or 2 no’s and 10 yes’s is still most likely a Yes. Also in the ROS most guys will pick up on if the review is off. Any girl can have an off night, any guy can be a jerk. We all have to use our own discernment.
whitetail123's Avatar
I went and read his review not convinced that it went down as he said
I would write his info in the ladies only forum. Also, if you haven't already, include looking at the ladies room to screen. If he Pulled that on you, he most likely did it to others as well.
I've always had a blast. Sorry this happened to you.
Wow you’re such a liar.. txt messages don’t lie. You’re the one that told me “sorry that you will make it up to me” if I need to screen shot everything and post them on here I will. I never once said AnYThInG about using a bad review against you smh