An American Hero

Rodram's Avatar

If I remember correctly, there are only 9 Congressional Medal of Honor recipients and of those 9, 7 were awarded posthumously and Sgt. Petry would be 1 of only 2 awarded while still alive. Sergeant Petry has a remarkable story as an Army Ranger which includes 8 tours and saving 2 other Rangers while losing an arm in the process.
The CMH has been awarded a little over 3,400 times. Due to the nature of its award, most are awarded posthumously, however many many CMHs have been awarded to individuals who've shown extra-ordinary valor and lived to tell about it.
oldtiger's Avatar
Minor point; it's the Medal of Honor, not the Congressional Medal of Honor.
Minor point; it's the Medal of Honor, not the Congressional Medal of Honor. Originally Posted by oldtiger
Yes it is.
Rodram's Avatar
Wow, I had no idea it was awarded that many times or that it was the Medal of Honor and not the Congressional Medal of Honor.
"As the award citation includes the phrase "in the name of Congress", it is sometimes erroneously called the Congressional Medal of Honor; however, the official title is simply the Medal of Honor."

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Now that is courage! Must have been super scary!