When to discuss what?

flackman2k6's Avatar
Obviously the girls dont want you calling them up and discussing.. business.

But say for example you wanted activities you ARE PRETTY SURE are on their menu, but something they'd probably want the heads up about in advance.

Is there a time to discuss that... or just wait until she's there?
theres a website called p411 that list all the activities the lady does....you should check it out some time....very informative!!
P411 is a very helpful source. At the same time not all of us list services as that may imply that we are offering said services at a price point and not simply time and companionship with appreciation for any gifts/donations. When you contact a lady, or at least me, it is ok to tell me a little about yourself, your likes and/or dislikes. I may respond in a simple "you sound nice, I look forward to possibly meeting you" or something like "I am not sure we would have as much fun as you would like". If you feel you have to bring it up, try to bring it up with tact and in respect and not followed by questions of rates/specials all in the same breathe then your questions will probably be satisfied discreetly.
I don't appreciate anyone asking me about services or speaking explicitly to me until after you've been screened.. after that, ask away! Hell I'll even ask guys to tell me what their ideal session is.
I'm sort of new so maybe this is ignorance speaking, but I just don't see why there should be a need or reason to speak explicits or explicitly ever. Screened or not if someone feels they just have a need to bring a topic up then I would hope he is able to find a discreet and respectful way to go about it. There is a lot of info out there via reviews, posts, ads websites that can all be used as discreet subject tools. Explicits seem unnecessary and can make a gent seem not so much the sort in my opinion. If someone feels comfortable in doing so at some point that is a personal choice to go forthwith, but it seems to me that if everyone does their part it is not something that should ever need to be discussed. Of course I realize I am a new girl so I could very well be speaking out of ignorance.
funnyboy's Avatar
I think the question is more, the activity is listed but takes additional preparation, IE greek. Do you ask or discuss up front or wait until the session? Or do the ladies prepare for all activities for every session incase that activity come into play?
true_whatever's Avatar
I can appreciate Elysa's point of view, but some times the activity is a grey area and waiting until you're actually in session can make things very awkward. I think it's best to discuss ahead of time, after the guy has been screened. Use tact of course.

My personal preferences are pretty tame, so this hasn't happened to me, but I imagine that if the guy were to broach the subject gently via emails that that would be the best way to handle it. Say he wants to play out a fantasy, or is asking about some borderline stuff that some ladies don't do such as CIM or greek. Maybe one review says she does it, and another explicitly states she wouldn't. YMMV makes it difficult to set expectations.

As for P411, many girls do not list activities at all, or simply put "GFE YMMV" and nothing else.

There needs to be a moment before the actual meeting where the guy can ask questions to avoid an uncomfortable session.
Yes, after you've been screened - no problem I do not post all of my services/activities on P411 because I do not wish for everyone and their monkey to see it. Privately, yes, after you have been screened.

Elysa ......you are never speaking out of ignorance...ONLY PERFECTION & sheer beauty! Muah!
Seriously I don't understand why providers don't put their activities on there.....

Some help understanding that a little more please....

I may be wrong but I look at it like this:

Hobbist wants to see a provider so he looks at her p411 and all her activities are listed.....so therefore he knows what he is getting into before hand so hes happy...get screened have a good time!!

Same Hobbist looks at another providers activities and nothing is listed, so therefore he has to be screened sometimes takes a while (you know for newbies), then he gets finally the ok (sometimes days later), but to hear that maybe what he likes is not on the menu, so therefore he just wasted his time and hers getting screened for no reason and has to go to the next lady which may take a couple of days to screen toooo, one never know!!

I understand that some girls are a no review policy so there activities are not even in reviews (cuz there is no review)so the hobbist has no idea what to expect until after wasting everyones time and then is not happy......

I just find it soooo easy to list activities so that you know what your getting into and I hate my time being wasted!!

So is this not how others look at it or I'm just "funny" like that....
Wouldn't reviews help with any questions. P411 is helpful, however some ladies do not have the tab clicked where you can see her activities.
Guest091314's Avatar
After screening I do not mind discussing activities when it is brought up respectfully, I have turned some away just for wording it wrong. Please for everythings sake do not wait till last min unless it is just a simple position LOL!
Babydollsnow - One word .... L.E.

When I screen gents, I actually TALK TO or email back n' forth with their provider references...therefore, making me feel alot safer with the gent that I am potentially going to see. Answering questions at that time, is not a problem for me.

If I have all of my activities listed out there for anyone registered anywhere (ECCIE or P411) to see (including L.E. -because look, we all know that they're there/here)...it's just an invitation for bad news.

While I do see your point, and I agree that the gents do have the right to know what they are going to be getting....it's just my personal choice (for my own safety & peace of mind). Nothing personal against them. If they are interested, and once screening info is verified, then they may feel free to 'ask away'.

Different strokes for different folks.

dodger's Avatar
Gentlemen can write a profile. In my profile I describe myself and what I consider to be a good session. When I contact a provider, I ask her to read my profile and tell me if she thinks we will enjoy time together. If she replies without having read the profile ... we're done. The booking process goes no further.

Most times, not always but in just about every case, there is enough info available about a provider to make me comfortable with the services available and the rate. And I think I should return the favor by putting my information "out there" for her. I hope that leads to realistic expectations on both sides. So far ... it's worked for me.

Note: Oooh! Oooh! I just noticed .. the Princess and her bountiful boobiage are on top of me ... if only real life were this easy!!!
true_whatever's Avatar
Gentlemen can write a profile. In my profile I describe myself and what I consider to be a good session. Originally Posted by dodger
Excellent point Dodger! The transfer of info goes both ways. My P411 is fairly detailed as well and I appreciate when a lady has read it, especially immediately prior to a session to refresh her memory. I list certain activities in my profile that are turn-offs for me and it annoys me when a lady does them because it means she didn't take the time to read/remember my profile.

I try my best to read the lady's web site, FAQ, preferred donation delivery method, likes and dislikes, etc. It's not too much to expect the same in return.
elgato111's Avatar
I agree with Dodger. I read her profile and reviews before contacting. And my profile on P411 has all the info she needs which I hope she will read before making the appointment.

Like Dodger, if she does not check out me on 411 then I go no further. Screening is everything on both sides to insure safety and a good session.