Trump and His Supporters Have Blood On Their Hands For Mass Shootings

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
In addition to Trump Skunk lets examine how all of you have blood on your hands. The quote below from the retired government worker Jimbo is indicative of you History revisionists work. But long as I'm around these parts I won't let you rabid mided in the closet Fuckboys get away with this shit. I will hold each and every one of you lying dipshits accountable.

What's the common denominator in all these "Mass shooting"? It seems it's gun Control and keeping Guns out of the hands of the "Mentally Ill" It seems it's always the Shooter was Mentally ill. Trump's statement to take the guns first and Due Process second was meant to appease the Liberals so they'll shut the fuck up. The next step is to define Mental Illness and who is mentally ill by a medical clinical standpoint to the grave extent that one who would meet such a criteria is unfit to keep and bear a firearm. That could be a slippery slope being some recruits for Military and Law Enforcement could fall into the category of "Mentally Ill" by their definition.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin

First this happened....

Then after the school massacre this Orange Monkey Fuck Boy says this:

You fucking morons are a laughingstock of the entire world. You hicks need to go back to your trailers and go fuck your mothers and sisters some more.
In addition to Trump Skunk lets examine how all of you have blood on your hands. The quote below from the retired government worker Jimbo is indicative of you History revisionists work. But long as I'm around these parts I won't let you rabid mided in the closet Fuckboys get away with this shit. I will hold each and every one of you lying dipshits accountable.

First this happened....

Then after the school massacre this Orange Monkey Fuck Boy says this:

You fucking morons are a laughingstock of the entire world. You hicks need to go back to your trailers and go fuck your mothers and sisters some more. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Do dat be what YOU do homie, fuck yo Momma an Sistas ? You bees inbred, is dat wut you be sayin homie ??? I jus be AXIN....
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
The truth stings doesn't it. I hope to have a front row seat at Trumps impeachment trial. All of you have blood on your hands. You can spin, pivot, and deflect all you want. we will continue to hold you hypocrites accountable. I will make sure I put this in your face every day.....These are stew in anger over my OP... ;-)
I B Hankering's Avatar
Click-bait headline from the lame-stream media suckered you into biting like the low IQ, lib-retarded minion you are, Shit-stained Chapped-ass. Even the ACLU was on record as being against what Odumbo did in violation of the 5th Amendment, Shit-stained Chapped-ass.
LexusLover's Avatar
The truth stings doesn't it. I hope to have a front row seat at Trumps impeachment trial. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
If there were going to be one I would want you there also. But back on topic ....

... it's a good thing he believes in due process ... for you!

Wouldn't that be a shame if he treated you like Obaminable treated people?

You do believe in "equality" don't you? Or do you need "an edge"?
In addition to Trump Skunk lets examine how all of you have blood on your hands. The quote below from the retired government worker Jimbo is indicative of you History revisionists work. But long as I'm around these parts I won't let you rabid mided in the closet Fuckboys get away with this shit. I will hold each and every one of you lying dipshits accountable.

First this happened....

Then after the school massacre this Orange Monkey Fuck Boy says this:

You fucking morons are a laughingstock of the entire world. You hicks need to go back to your trailers and go fuck your mothers and sisters some more. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Think about what your backwoods black ass just wrote? Who pulled the trigger on that gun, who made the decision to be a killer on that day? None other than Nicholas Cruz, that's who. Concentrate on the incident and what took place instead of politicizing the actions of one man and trying to place blame on people who have no control over the hearts and minds of others. If you want to gripe about something, gripe about that black Deputy who didn't do shit to lessen the mayhem.

NoTell's Avatar
No Blood on my hands at ALL!!!!

Anyone else have blood on their hands!!??

Sissy ChappedAss must be on his period!! ~ hands Sissy a tampon for his mouth~
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
In addition to Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
I clipped off the parts where you were just spewing gibberish. As I recollect, any mass shooter that had a political affiliation was typically a Demonicrat.

Not to mention that my loaded gun has been sitting next to me all day, just like all others days and it's never gotten up on it's own accord (notice it's, as in inanimate object fool) and done anything. Not even gotten up to get me a cold Keystone Light. It's so lazy in thought and actions that I'm starting to think it's related to you somehow.
I clipped off the parts where you were just spewing gibberish. As I recollect, any mass shooter that had a political affiliation was typically a Demonicrat.

Not to mention that my loaded gun has been sitting next to me all day, just like all others days and it's never gotten up on it's own accord (notice it's, as in inanimate object fool) and done anything. Not even gotten up to get me a cold Keystone Light. It's so lazy in thought and actions that I'm starting to think it's related to you somehow. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Don't " curse " that weapon by saying it's somehow related to shitstain because it might be " lazy ". It, at least, has the potential to go to work " for the greater good ". Say W-O-R-K to shtistain and watch him scream " RAY-SIS " at you and run like hell !
No blood on my hands since Viet Nam. Remember - Ted Kennedy's cars have killed more people than my guns.
You fucking morons are a laughingstock of the entire world. You hicks need to go back to your trailers and go fuck your mothers and sisters some more. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
There ya go again....bangin' out nonsense like nobody's business.

When ya gonna learn, Douchie....? We don't giveafuck @Sissychapssucksbigcocks what you have to say here anymore.

Your constant catterwalling is compilation of nothing more than a pile of steaming monkey sh*t....and the sad thing is, YOU know it, too.

And just can't help yourself, can you?

Shitistan Mosque must be talking about President Trumps Big Balls... what a fruiter...
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
98% of all mass shootings have occurred in "gun free" zones. Those belong to the democrat party. At one time mentally ill people could be taken off the street for their and societies protection until a democrat supported lawsuit in New York state freed them in 1983. That belongs to the democrats. Other mass shootings have occurred from both illegal and legal immigrants from questionable countries. Guess who supports allowing anyone and everyone into this country? Yep, the democrats.
The NRA has repeatedly supported the idea of the mentally ill and criminals be denied the right to own a gun but instead of siding with the NRA the democrats have always thrown in a poison pill to stop the legislation. I guess the idea of solving a problem and saving lives is less important to democrats than having an issue.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Democrats don't want solutions, they want problems they can win on.

they break things on purpose.

their thinking is preverse form of job security.
thrashermario's Avatar