Frozen account

DrMalcom93's Avatar
I posted about this in the technical forum but was hoping it could get more light in the general forum. Or at least some admins attention. My old (primary) account was/is steveo4321 but is now frozen. I had submitted a review a day earlier and received premium access. I was going through and having a blast reading the ROS of reviews. Then I go to click on a review and it says I don’t have privileges to access. I try another and another and all the same. I can’t access my PMs nor view any forums. All forums just say private. I’ve tried the contact us option and emailing the web support for the past day. Nothing. Not even a response. I had to start all over with this new handle. Anybody else have this happen or know of a fix?
cabletex7's Avatar
Congratulations, you are now the proud owner of a shandle.
ck1942's Avatar is the obvious means to communicate your issues.
DrMalcom93's Avatar
Already tried web support. So far nothing. Wouldn’t hurt to try them again though I suppose.
Already tried web support. So far nothing. Wouldn’t hurt to try them again though I suppose. Originally Posted by DrMalcom93
Perhaps you should make a THIRD handle so you can communicate my effectively with web support.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
rather than a male handle
start I female one offering freebie for the fix
pyramider's Avatar
Be sure to use other handle to write a review.
So I was able to get in contact with an admin and he was awesome enough to get it resolved. Apparently I accidentally triggered the freeze while browsing. I had too many windows open, which I tend to do and be lazy about closing. This triggered a security function that froze the account. Thanks so much to the admins for resolving the problem.
pyramider's Avatar
Now you owe the admin some anal.