Well it seems this client was helping a woman load a huge grill into her truck.
the woman looked alot like her so much so she took a pic with her cam phone. Well a little back story this client is a young (early 20's late teens) trust fund baby that goes to TCU, susan is in her late 40's and normally does not take clients that young, but he called at a time when she was strapped for cash and she took him anyway, that was a year ago and he has been a reguler( once or twice a week) every since. well on saturday they had the reguler incall and she mentioned she saw him at home depot and he asked why she did not say hi, susan told him she did not approach because he was with his girlfriend(she knew he had a GF), and he informed her that was not his girlfriend but his mother. this kinda creeped susan out she told me she instantly thought of the times he would pay for a sleep over and they would spoon with him being the inside spoon(after FS).
Now she feels that for a year she has been helping this guy fuck his mother by proxie. oh and she sent me the pic and this his mom did look ALOT like her, hair slightly longer and more conservative dress but they could be sisters is not twins.

So my question is do you older providers automatically assume that is what is going on when MUCH younger guys approach you? and if you found out somehow would it be a turn off?