
I’m curious..... if you guys see 10 providers(not SB’s, GF’s or sidechicks)... What % do u review?
I know some guys avoid reviews altogether.
Some want to keep certain girls UTR.
Some don’t have the heart to write a negative review.
Some just don’t have the time needed to write one.
Some fellas don’t want this life documented.

My stance was.. if this is what these girls want to do. They are going to do it any way, so if a review will he’ll them out in their pursuits-Great. Also, reviews fine by fellow hobbyist helped me make better decisions and avoid stepping into trouble.

I’m gonna day I only review probably 50% of the time. Most follow up apt never get a review from me.
I was curious to anyone else’s thoughts.
dj8rocks's Avatar
For myself, it may would be one out of those 10. Mainly, I don’t usually write reviews for 2 reasons. Time being the biggest factor and second, I normally only see well established ladies. I will only see an unreviewed lady if somemone I really trust has vouched for her. In that case, I will write a review for her to help her become established. If a lady has had a good amount of time between reviews and requests me to write one, I will then as well.

When I first started out and was writing reviews, I was a little more able to entail a play by play review. Now, my time just don’t afford me the couple of hours it takes to write that kind of review, so the past few I have written were more information based... looks, attitude, personality, flow of the session, etc.
drsmooth1's Avatar
Paddy you come up with some great topics my man!
Time is the factor for me as well. I have two I need to write now, one of Addison and one of Tatted_Milf. So I'd say out of ten I write 6/7 reviews.
I get tired of the same old boring stuff on here or no activity at all. So I try to pose questions that the community are willing to ponder and discuss. Many hobbyist have no desire to discuss anything, though. I just like hearing others opinions and styles in all this..
So Thanks Doc...
Paddy I'm just about done with the hobby life ,but now i do about 1 review out of 10 that i see .
I try to a review on anyone I see unless they request me not to or if I just get to busy. So I would say probably 80% if I had to put a number on it.
NeoSolo's Avatar
I have a few I need to write now. I probably do about a third of mine. If it’s just a so so session, I usually skip. I tend to write pretty good first time girls for me or the awful ones to warn people. That being said I’ve seen Vanessa Ink about 10 times and she is always awesome, if probably written three on her.
I review probably one in three. Just getting lazy I guess.
Moonchild's Avatar
I only review when my PA credit is up
I spend a lot of time at parlors and review them especially when toftt so that people aren’t wasting their time pursuing something that isn’t there. I’ve tried to link up with some providers but our schedules haven’t meshed. I’ve probably been to most of the gold mines I’ve found 10+ times but only review every few. I’ve been with one provider who is allegedly trying to join Eccie and is currently UTR whether that’s what she prefers or not I’m unsure.